I’ve smoked for a long time and I hate it. I have no illusions left about it. I generally look after my health pretty well, eat healthy, work out etc, and every time I have a cigarette I feel disgusted and like I’m slowly killing myself. It’s not so much the physical difficulties of withdrawal that I can’t handle - it’s more like smoking is ingrained in my identity, like I can’t conceive of myself as a non-smoker or going through life without having it as a crutch. I’m wondering if anyone has any advice on re-orienting psychologically towards being a non-smoker? I’ve managed to cut down a lot but I can’t seem to let myself give it up completely no matter how much I want to.
Talk to your doctor about welbutrin. It’s usually prescribed as a mild antidepressant, but off label it can help stop smoking. it absolutely crushed my smoking craving, like day 1 or 2. I never picked it back up, even after being off it for a while now.
If meds aren’t your thing, vaping actually helped me stop (one of the many times I quit) prior to welbutrin. I started with normal levels of nicotine and each refill I got a lower amount. Eventually was virtually zero nicotine and I just quit. Just be careful, it’s easy to increase your nicotine intake and get even more addicted if you’re not actively using vaping to quit.
Wellbutrin gave me my tinnitus. I would be careful with that stuff.