Limited time offer. I have an upcoming trip and I’m looking for something to watch. Is Star Trek actually good, or only nostalgic? Should I just search for episode 1 and press play, or is there something I need to know first?

  • Robert_Kennedy_Jr [xe/xem, xey/xem]
    1 month ago

    Compared to other 90s Trek there is an overarching plot but it’s episodic enough you could enjoy it in single servings, I’ll preface this list with I’m extremely biased towards Garak or Ferengi episodes and one of the series greatest injustices is that Quark and Garak didn’t have more scenes together. Example A:

    In the Pale Moonlight is considered one of the best DS9 episodes and imo one of the best Trek episodes out of any series, explores the morally grey decisions people sometimes make in war.

    Past Tense is a two part time travel episode about current day America where they’re rounding up the homeless and poor into ghettos.

    Bar Association has the best Trek character form a labor union and recite Marx.

    Little Green Men is a fun take on the Roswell incident.

    The Magnificent Ferengi has them stage a rescue mission that turns into Weekend at Bernie’s.

    Body Parts is one of the only Quark/Garak episodes and is low key hilarious.