Slightly wound up by this tonight. So I apologise for the downer but have to get it off my chest.

I have a couple of small social media accounts. I dont share them about as I mostly just share music I like, maybe a bit of general politics. Nothing major. Years ago when I joined twitter I had a raft of people who would follow me just to gain my follow (including a couple of local minor celebrities like a weathergirl) only to unfollow a couple of days after. This lead to me locking my account for nearly a year on twitter.

I left twitter this September and joined a couple of other social media sites instead. Kind of disappointed with how Musk ruined Twitter.

I’ve been on mastodon, as an example, for the past couple of months now. Just this week I’ve noticed my follower count has dropped off a cliff. It seems this followback-unfollow practice has transferred from Twitter to other sites. I’ve even found one user bad mouthing me, forgetting that I am still following them and can see all of this (apparently I didnt share their music enough on the platform - I’m not a promoter, just a fan of music fcol. I am now no longer a fan of their music).

So I’d ask people, please don’t do things like this. It just seems really rude. Follow/sub/whatever to people you find interesting. Don’t do it for some kind of gain or clout.

Anyone else getting this on their socials recently? Did you end up blocking people?