I am a very very lazy person. I like to pride myself on being in the running with Lebowski. And to me hate takes way way to much energy. Having even the simple idea of killing has to take some effort. Kind of seems like he just set out on a life not worth living IMO

  • FourPacketsOfPeanuts@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    Don’t forget that for centuries Christianity considered lending with interest to be a sin and so delegated it to Jews so they came to dominate banking and finance. By the 1100’s Jews were considered the ‘property of the king of England’ and we’re granted special rights such as free travel and having their legal testimony given more weight than Christians because they represented the king in financial matters.

    Elevate an already hated minority to wealth and privilege as special servants of feudal power? What could go wrong?

    • AllNewTypeFace
      1 month ago

      It’s a trick the English repeated centuries later by establishing minorities as administrative castes in their colonies (i.e. Indians in Uganda)