Because this needs to be a regular thing, come forward warriors and announce the feats you have achieved! For the glory of the Empire!
I made chocolate pudding for the glory of the empire! And now I will eat chocolate pudding for the glory of the empire!
A feast! Great joy and pride to you and your house! For the glory of the Empire!
I ate blueberries for the glory of thre empire.
The wise warrior eats well to nurture their body for the rigours of battle! Glory to your name!
I had a coffee and slice of sourdough toast, so that I might have energy for yoga this morning. FOR THE GLORY OF THE EMPIRE!
The warrior nurtures their body for the rigours of battle! Glory to you and your house!
The Empire marches at your call! Glory to your name!
Watched Direwolf20 video FOR THE GLORY OF THE EMPIRE!
What has such intrepid action brought new to the glorious Empire?
I took out the garbage, FOR THE GLORY OF THE EMPIRE!
A clean house is a strong house! Glory to your name!
I washed my fancy insulated water bottle FOR THE GLORY OF THE EMPIRE!
You cared for your battle kit and the warrior that tends to their equipment is a wise warrior! Glory to your name and house!
I popped a zit on the inside of my eyelid, for the glory of the empire!
We find ourselves in a situation where we do not know exactly for why you are to be commended.
The warrior shows no fear in face of pain but the danger of injury by their own hand was high.
The Empire will salute your spirit but advises on care on the future.
I beat my meat for the glory of the empire
Even self indulgence is to be respected, of not excessive. The Empire grants you glory.
I took my antidepressants FOR THE GLORY OF THE EMPIRE!
A strong body requires a strong mind. And an ailling warrior is a warrior that has fought valliantly until all force was depleted. Care for yourself, brave one! Glory to you!
I pet my cats for the glory of the empire!
Ah, keeping the beasts tame and content. Much honor is to be found in such gesture. Glory to your name!
I scratched my balls, for the glory of the empire!
Itch free, distraction free!
Took my nighttime anxiety meds… for the glory of the empire!
A well rested warrior is a warrior to be feared. And the warrior that seeks the help to overcome their shortcomings is double worthy their praise. Glory to your name!
A warrior uses every tool at their disposal to vanquish their foes!
Self care is an honorable and righteous pursuit. It makes you a more effective foe in battle.
Got off the couch and actually voyaged through the house to my bed for once, where I shall sleep FOR THE GLORY OF THE EMPIRE
Rest well, brave warrior, for the glory of the Empire!
Browsing Lemmy before getting up, FOR THE GLORY OF THE EMPIRE!
Navigating the great infoweb of the Empire, then! Glory to your name!