It hasn’t run since the '90s. I inherited it from my grandfather, but never took the time to get it running again. Fingers crossed that all it needed was a little TLC.
Whoa, buddy, where’s the NSFW tag on this?
Yeah I scrolled too fast and had to do a double look.
Either way tho, good on em.
If it does or doesn’t, please share, always nice to hear updates on projects like that.
I would love an update, I just hired someone to fix ours, he said it was still in good shape, just needed a tuneup after its long storage. Good luck! Every chime reminds me of my granddad.
Got any learning resources for this? I also inherited one from my grandpa and it’s currently running, but was sitting for a looong time. I probably need to do some maintenance.
Nothing more than a YouTube video on oiling. Probably the first one that popped up in the search. I bought a kit online that had the oil and a few oiling pins - cost 30 bucks or so. This clock would run, but just for a few minutes before stopping. So I’m hoping it just needs a little less friction in life.