God damnit, Counterstrike really fell off.
When they got rid of the open voice chat between teams at the start, halftime switch and ending it basically went away.
I do miss the halftime shit talk spam though. The picosecond everyone could talk to each other you would just get 10 open mics screaming random shit. One guy would just be calling the opposing teams top Fragger a cheating sack of shit. Someone else would bully the bottom Fragger on the other team for only having 4 kills in a half. Someone would blast ear rape music.
A simpler time. haha
Meanwhile LoL: “Amateurs… AMATEURS!”
Where is LoL
And why is PUBG:BG
PlayerUnknowns Battlegrounds: Battlegrounds
For reasons unbeknownst to mankind, that is what the game is actually called these days on Steam.
WINE Is Not An Emulator Is Not An Emulator.
No LoL?
Harassment ‘of’ 10-17 year olds ‘by’ the game? My brother in Christ, 10-17 year olds ARE the harassment. As a 40+ gamer, I’m confident that we can drop harassment levels by 90 percent if those kids weren’t on it. Little sweaty shitheads are why I stopped playing multiplayer games.
Unfortunately, that is not the case. In my humble experience, the most disgusting (and/because inexcusable) shit comes from grown up guys who were 10-17 years old 15-20 years ago (and they never changed). Online gaming is a hostile environment for girls and women, and it’s by far not only due to 10-17-year-olds.
Pretty hostile to us men and boys (and anyone who identifies otherwise) who dont need to be toxic to cover up fragility either
Interesting. From my observations (I’m male, so take this with a grain of salt), women and girls are generally given positive attention - which might be unwarranted in its own right, but I rarely see hostility to this group of gamers.
There is even a phenomenon of male gamers, especially among teens, to represent themselves as female to either just get more positive response in players or to actively abuse this for gaining social perks.
Then maybe you should do some research. Every female gamer I’ve talked to told about harassment. And, mind you, screaming “b*tch”, demanding her going back to the kitchen, threats of rape are not the only forms of harassment.
Here are some examples for videos that depict a different experience than yours:
I also recommend looking into the comments every now and then. They’re usually either confirming the experience, relativize or being oughtright harassing, too.
Thanks for challenging me up on that with evidence.
Sad to know this does happen.
I call BS, CS2 is not even on the list and it’s way more toxic than Valorant with all ruzzian shits playing it.
? Where LOL ?
Buddy here watermarking their bloody memes
People are toxic on FF? It was always so friendly when I played it.
Yeah this list is very dubious. FFXIV is possibly the chillest multiplayer game I’ve played.
Still is. No idea how people are taking that as toxic.
In WoW I was told to kill myself for picking a flower.
I’ve played thousands of hours of that in the last 2 years, I’ve never seen any toxic behavior.
Even when I die like 10 times in a dungeon everyone is always like “You’ll get there”. 🥹
They’re all in my Frontline matches.
FFXIV is by far the friendliest MMO I’ve played. Overwatch definitely needs to be on the survey.
100% of the people we surveyed said they love to take surveys
Yeah idk where those stats are coming from. Everything I’ve ever heard and experienced with XIV has been nothing but glowingly positive. I have never seen more welcoming and patient players in an MMO in 10+ years of playing online, than in XIV.
Overwatch didn’t even make the cut! Good job boys n girls
This is surprising. I thought Valorant was very strict on harassment since it had the biggest female playerbase of any multiplayer comp shooter. To beat dota in toxicity is impressive (however its probably only because no one under 18 plays dota)
It’s a statistic from the ADL. Wasn’t that thing full of shit or something?
Yeah that restriction is probably also why LOL is not on there
The difference is that its 30-40yo’s harassing you in Dota2.
OH you aren’t playing to the exact meta in last years TI whatever…
Looks like I need to try Valorant.