I did not see this published outside of India. But not sure why. It’s all based on Xitter.
Someone who cares about him needs to take him off the internet permanently
there’s your problem innit
He’s depressed so he decided to go full Dr.Evil I suppose…
Make everyone suffer along with him.
It’s devastating to see the toll fentanyl takes on hundreds of thousands of lives every year, destroying families and communities. Yet, it feels incredibly unfair to see someone like Elon Musk openly joke about or trivialize its use. While he may have the privilege to brush it off, so many others don’t have that luxury. It highlights the stark divide between those who face the real consequences of this crisis and those who seem untouched by it. Accountability and awareness matter, especially when it comes to something as serious as fentanyl.
I think it’s more the money. money causes mental illness.
but you know, there’s a cure, and he employs so very many engineers who could build him one.
Power disparity derived from wealth disparity inevitably leads to unchecked corruption.
Late Stage Capitalism is a malignant cancer on both society and the planet
Hear hear
I think you’re right in some cases. Something about having so much twisted his mind. I honestly think they he never used to be this bad (not saying he was good). But he wasn’t this bad, right?
You are correct.
Previous to ~2013 before the boring company bullshit, he was just a nerdy guy with a vision and poor social skills. From memory, he was hard to work for because he expected so much of people and drove them hard. Yes his early money source is sketchy.
I think the popularity after the boring company started to mess him up, basically he became the memes he was sharing, and it broke his brain, then the drugs and money separated him from reality. Now he is so divorced from the experience of the regular person, that no matter what happens…barring the complete loss of his fortune, he will never be the same nerdy guy.
I think he will just get worse.
when he got rid of his PR team, it was gameover
it’s progressive, but he was also less visible.
Dont do Ketamine everyone
Certainly not recreationally.
Unless you’re a horse.
Don’t do regular doses of ketamine. If you do it once and stay the fuck away from the internet for two weeks, that’s fine. If you do it in supervised therapy sessions thats fine.
i think it takes it with alcohol and cocaine, which would explain the erratic and energy to post on X all day
Musk may well be going mad and I certainly hope he is. I hope his lack of recognition and watching his empire crumble is eating him up inside.
But Seth Abramson is not a reliable narrator let alone “biographer” whatever that means. He has a very long and storied history of embellishing facts, or placing too much weight on rumours and extrapolating way too much from them.
TBH, I rather more hope he goes dead.
I saw this kind of take a lot when he first started appearing in my feeds, and I just sort of accepted it since I didn’t read anything by him anyway.
Now that I’ve read more, I think his books are well-researched and meticulously cited using primary sources from well-known publications. He’s a professor with degrees from Dartmouth and Harvard and I mention that because the original image I was given was he was some influencer or “citizen journalist” who just liked being incendiary, and that’s not the case at all.
So are there some examples of his embellishing to share? I don’t understand this particular take on him. He’s very critical of Trump and has said he’s directly connected to the Kremlin (and shown it in the most detailed, and cited, ways), but I don’t think he’s someone to ignore for that.
He had mad the world so much worse i can’t feel sorry for him
So sad. :(
Clearly for Musks own sake the best solution is to launch him into the sun.
Its actually much more energy efficient to launch him out of our solar system than into the sun.
What about helping Musky get his Vitamin D?
He gets that from Trump.
If you want to save energy, consider launching him outside our solar system instead.
I’d be fine with both though and even grant him the trip to Mars of which he apparently dreamt some time ago.Launch him into a shredder, much cheaper. Feet first.
This would indeed get him off the internet permanently. I concur.
He’s doing it too himself, fuck off.
No one asked him to be a co-nazi. No one asked him to take over Twitter. No one asked him to play make-believe auto maker. No one is asking for his fucking biography. He’s acting like everyone is pulling him in all these different directions, and no one wants him.
He is the world’s richest fucking man. Fuck him. He could have the best doctors/therapy/drugs in the world, could travel the world and “find himself,” maybe even do something worth writing about. But he chooses to be a completely waste of human flesh that will be nothing but a smear in history. That’s his legacy. A shit smear on an already shit covered era. He’s not helping anyone, not even his own kids, he is willfully putting his effort into being the biggest piece of shit.
Fuck him. Fuck his depression, fuck his addiction, fuck his stress, and fuck him. He’s ruining my country and wants pity because it’s stressing him out.
Also calling it stress is so fucking gross when normal people have to deal with soul crushing extisence of inadequate food, housing and life of wage slavery, and he’s just upset cause his world domination plans makes people say mean things to him.
I don’t think you know what depression is. Little correlation with outside circumstances is one of the traits.
Yeah. He could fuck off and never have to speak to another person or do anything he didn’t want to do if he wanted with just a tiny fraction of his wealth. He doesn’t have to be this way. He chose it. He’s like a child breaking things for attention.
Not saying he deserves pitty or anything, but depression doesn’t depend on outside things and events. He could do what you say and still be depressed. Have no problems in the world and still be depressed. Turn into a golden god of love and still be depressed. It’s in the brain.
As a person who has had their fair share of “close calls,” I’m calling it out because he’s using it as an excuse and a reason for pity. I have severe depression. I do not go out of my way to make everyone else’s life worse because I have depression. My family does not allow me to make their lives harder because I have depression. I’m still responsible for my actions. So fuck his depression specifically. But o do get what you’re saying.
So then fucking be depressed and leave the rest of us out of it. The fact that he’s making it everyone else’s problem is what makes him an asshole.
If he is actually afflicted with clinical depression he shoukd be seeking out competent medical assistance for his condition.
Even in America, he should be able to afford that.
People show you who they really are when they can do anything they want. Elon is failing at it much worse than someone who sits on the couch and does weed all day.
Their vices all run the same direction: They do the things that are forbidden to we poors. They get off on the power of getting away with the taboo and illegal. The only time they’re held to account is if they fuck over one of their own. Epstein wasn’t brought down because he was a pedo, he was taken down because he was blackmailing the rich. Madoff stole from the rich.
Good point. I never looked at it that way.
I think it’s less about sympathy and more about understanding what lead him to this point.
You can analyze why a “normal” person did monstrous things without shedding a tear for them. One day someone will make “Zone of Interest” about billionaires living in their bunkers, cleaning air filters from human ash.
Someone who cares about him needs to take him off the internet permanently.
As a loyal subject to HRH King Charles III, I propose agent 007 for the job. For King and Country.
his PR team he fired did, they were the ones probably keeping him in check.
Forget about king and country. For goddamn humanity as a whole!
Oh no please don’t kill yourself live on X, that would own the liberals too hard
He apparently gets really pressed from the online hate he recieves, so we can help push him further.
Typical bully behavior. Has no trouble hurting others but gets totally butthurt over even the slightest criticism. Fuck that guy.
and having putin, trump, MSB badgering him every second to do something.
He apparently gets really pressed from the online hate he recieves
Maybe he could stop doing things that lead people to hate him?
If could go off the Internet, I’d probably do that, but the hope of finding something good, sometimes delivered upon, and the few good people bring me back to the good and the bad parts.
Just another drug-addicted Hitler.