If you are in germany, i can recommend the kaufland store brands, in my opinion from all store brands they taste the closest to coca cola brands
Green Cola from Greece
There’s easily 100 different kinds of Cola and Cola-Orange (“Spezi”) mixes produced in the EU it’s easiest to start taste-testing with everything in your local grocery store and finding out if one of them is to your liking. If you’re from Germany, there’s at least Fritz-Cola, Afri-Cola, Proviant-Cola, Paulaner Spezi (and Spezi made by many other breweries)…
Tap water
Best answer.
Just a local ripoff. I personally drink blues zero, it tastes the same as Coca Cola zero
Buy your locally produced Cola. Don’t start to import cola produced in Germany to Spain or the Norwegian lemonade to Italy. Don’t ship sugar water trough Europe by lorry, we have enough traffic on our motorways already.
Tbf, that’s the upside of a major corporation like Coca Cola. They only transport the syrup and fill the bottles at local factories.
I hadn’t tried it myself but saw it suggested somewhere else. It’s the austrian Coca Cola version
Cuba Cola from Sweden
Sinalco Cola from Germany https://sinalco.de/produkte/cola
Afri Cola from Germany https://afri.de/produkte/afri-cola/
Fritz Kola from Germany https://fritz-kola.com/en
Everyone of course knows Fentimans and Fritz-kola
First sentence by op
Oh wow, how did I miss that? :D Sorry!
Don’t worry, still solid advice ;)
Jolly Cola from Denmark
Not from the EU, but from Switzerland if that also counts: Vivi Kola
and goba cola goba cola
Breizh Cola, from Brittany in France https://www.breizhcola.bzh/
In Eastern Germany they have VitaCola, which was their former GDR Cola. They still outsell Coca Cola there, but I guess it’s an acquired taste. I personally don’t like it very much
It tastes ten times better, since it contains some lemon flavor.
Which tastes very artificial IMO.
But maybe it’s just like with Club Mate or Coffee, you need to have a few of them before you like them