• 33 Posts
Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: July 22nd, 2024


  • So who is bypassing congress to deliver bombs to Israel? Is it Trump? I thought Joe Biden is the current president. And Biden kept pushing the fact that he is a staunch Zionist. Also Harris kept talking about supporting Israel, providing a stage for families of Israeli hostages, while denying any Palestinian to speak on stage at the DNC congress.

    However your immediate attack shows exactly the problem. When people have the wrong skin colour or are in the wrong place, American culture is fine with denying them their humanity and human rights. And that is across the political spectrum as you are showing with your comment.

  • In Malmö the grenades are frequently old weapons from the wars in the Balkans. The police assume that someone imported a large cache of grenades, which has then been distributed to criminal gangs.[16][3] In addition to grenade attacks, there are a significant number of related bomb attacks with improvised explosive devices, including homemade bombs.[17][18] The number of incidents involving explosives tripled between 2008 and 2016.[19] According to a December 2018 Swedish Television interview with researcher Amir Rostami, Sweden has a high number of hand grenade attacks compared to neighbouring countries Denmark, Norway, and Germany. According to the Swedish police the reason may be the light sentence for possession compared to a firearm and that the evidence destroys itself when used. [20] While gun homicides were on the rise in the 2011–2018 time span, according to a study at Malmö University, the number of hand grenade attacks had shown a strong increase in the same period and a total of 116 hand grenade detonations were recorded. Rostami said criminologists in Sweden don’t know why there was a strong increase and why Sweden has a much higher rate than countries close by. [15] Statistics are hard to come by as the only country apart from Sweden that publishes statistics is Mexico

    The hand grenades found by the police are exclusively the ex-Yugoslavian M75 hand grenade.

    I remember seeing videos Finnish motorcycle gangs (very white, very Nazis) figthing with heavy arms in the woods sometimes. I remember in the movie “Lord of War” they said it was cheaper to buy real guns than fake ones for staging scenes of hangars full of guns after the downfall of the Sovjet Union, that made their hands into criminal trade. So if some dipshits smuggled in a few thousand grenades and distributed them, that explains why they are used so heavily compared to all other countries.

    Also when looking at how heavily armed Finnish Nazi gangs are and how easy it was for Breivik in Norway to get the weapons for his massacres, it seems to simply be easier to get heavy weapons in Scandinavia than in other places. And Sweden being twice as populated than Finland or Norway results in more crime with that too.

    Looking at the homicide rate, Sweden seems to be about the same like Finland and still much better than the Baltic states and on par with France and the UK.

  • Ich denke bei dem Thema zeigt sich die Fatalität der Austeritätspolitik besonders. Es ist für Kommunen mit klammen Kassen politisch praktisch nicht vermittelbar, sich auf drohende Gefahren in der Zukunft vorzubereiten. Das Thema hat kaum eine Chance gegen die Sanierung der Schule, oder den Ausbau der Umgehungsstraße.

    Nur ist es dann zu spät, wenn das Hochwasser die halbe Kommune in Schutt und Asche gelegt hat. Aber selbst das reicht vielen nicht als Warnung, wie wir am Wiederaufbau vom Ahrtal gesehen haben.

    Volkswirtschaftlich ist das ein komplettes Disaster. Mittelfristig werden Versicherer auch mehr und mehr Immobilien nicht mehr versichern, oder nur zu extrem hohen Raten. Und das ist die rein kaltblütige finanzielle Betrachtung. Dazu kommt, dass die Todeszahlen langfristig auch deutlich steigen werden.