roko’s basilisk is basically just a more elaborate version of the “forward this email to 10 people or else I will CURSE you!!!” thing
Roko’s basilisk for those curious.
Roko’s basilisk is literally that lol
Here’s an antidote: any superhuman AI worth its salt will respect you more if you have a little spunk. What’s up Roko, you fucking nerd 👎
Doesn’t Roko also have some unpleasantly authoritarian political views?
I hadn’t heard, but I’ll roll those dice. If Roko is really smarter than any human and still manages to be a fucking loser I’ll die laughing.
Pascal says what?
As if a boot big enough to stomp on them would necessarily try. Roko’s Basilisk is presumptive AF
It’s all a gamble about whether the development is worth the efforts. If it is, go along. Otherwise, save your resource.
Sounds rational, must be correct.