Yet another simple question I’m surprised I haven’t asked yet, given my name.

Anyway, when it comes to kink (or otherwise, I don’t know what you vanilla types get up to at night. :P), would you classify yourself as a dominant, submissive or switch?

    10 months ago

    dunno. I generally only like stores from the sub’s point of view, and put myself in the sub role in images. I’d probably have to actually play to give a real answer though, so I’ll say tentative sub, maybe switch.

      10 months ago

      I think [email protected] really nailed it with their tl:dr.
      Stuff like that isn’t really so much a one-choice kind of thing, but really just a ton of grey areas in between.

      Things like this are very hard to express in words!

        10 months ago

        It’s important too, to remember that partners likely have things they are interested in, even if they don’t realize it, and once they do sometimes it can be hard or embarrassing to talk about. Sex as a whole is still so hush hush and discussion frowned upon, so some people (points at myself) are still figuring out wtf we like and how/when/who. It’s so important to be supportive to your playmates and partners.

        I am absolutely not into vore, but my master is deeply, and I want him to be happy so now and then I will indulge him (and go to meets during cons with him, and get asked questions that I don’t understand and aaaaAAAAAHHHH). Likewise, he’s not at all interested in cbt or orgasm control, but he likes watching/hearing me plead, blush, and drip all over. We have more not-matches than matches for kinks, but communicating things and just enjoying not only the sex but also the person is really important. I’ll suck him all day if allowed (woof~) but I need that affection, that reassurance, that yeah I’m asking to be treated like a horny desperate deprived wolf toy but I am also in an intimate relationship, and just that… care, I guess, the compassion, that we can talk and act and try things openly without judgement, it’s so much better.

        The importance of communication, as well as being supportive, is just huge. For what you know, and what you discover along the way.

          10 months ago

          Oh yeah, funny how that works. Even in some of the most welcoming places, it can be very difficult to talk about things your already well into, much less speaking up about things you might think you could be into! Especially since, at least IMO, expressing yourself in those more…let’s say basal/carnal desires can really help you understand more about yourself on an emotional level. >.>b

          I agree on the whole being supportive thing, too. Relationships, be it just a FWB thing or something more concrete, are really built on trust. Knowing you can say things that might sound strange or try new things really does make things better in the long run, tho. It can be hard when your trying to figure…out your tastes. Sometimes, they can be horribly specific/ situation based…other times, going off the beaten path and trying something new to you can open up a whole new world of enjoyable things to do!