For this Sunday Slop Night, first up is, by request, Hoot (2006), a family film about a trio of kids who team up to stop some evil developers from plowing over the habitat of an endangered owl population. Kids rock? I guess we’ll find out. This is the only film of director Wil Shriner; he is a one-hit wonder. Second is the highly-acclaimed Italian union drama-comedy, The Organizer, about a well-read socialist professor at the turn of the 20th century who tries to organize a strike of textile workers, and has to deal with false consciousness and liberalism every step of the way. Director is Mario Monicelli, who also did the anti-Rififi film Big Deal on Madonna Street (1958), which was a hit when we watched it a month ago. Superb reviews across the board for this one, so let’s give it a shot. Last for the night is Jim Jarmusch’s Mystery Train (1989), a comedy following several storylines of odd characters during a night in Memphis, Tennessee, including a ditzy bellboy, a Japanese tourist couple, and a trio of bumbling thieves. Steve Buscemi is in it. The previous Jarmusch movies we’ve watched (Down By Low, Ghost Dog) have been great, and this is supposed to be one of his best. Let’s watch.

We’ll start early this evening, at 7:15PM EST on Hextube, right here:

Be there, comrades!

Letterboxd: links:

CWs for Hoot:

  • Animal abuse.
  • Comic violence.
  • Sexual innuendos.

CWs for The Organizer:

  • Someone is hit and killed by a train.
  • Worker abuse.
  • Poverty.
  • Angry mobs.
  • Capitalism.

CWs for Mystery Train:

  • Alcohol abuse.
  • Smoking.
  • Bugs.
  • Ghosts.
  • Suicidal ideation.
  • N-words.
  • “Sexual content”. Seems pretty tame to me, though.
  • Blood and gore.
  • Gun violence.

Links to movies:

Forthcoming. I have the files, but the most convenient way to upload them is to replace one of the earlier videos while a later video is playing.