That surface was far too white and clearly was going to attract the black cat. This is a known force of nature. Yin and yang. The world is balanced again
Haha. That’s like my dog. I roll my yoga mat out and he jumps on it and rolls around. I push him off so he sits on me. I push him off, he gets excited “oh you wanna play do you”.
Oh for fuck sake
That surface was far too white and clearly was going to attract the black cat. This is a known force of nature. Yin and yang. The world is balanced again
Haha. That’s like my dog. I roll my yoga mat out and he jumps on it and rolls around. I push him off so he sits on me. I push him off, he gets excited “oh you wanna play do you”.
Try to time it for nap time. Nope, instantly awake. 🙄
I love the look these two are giving you. Hahaha.
Thankyou for creating this space for us. It just needs some cat hair!
black cat on white fabric 🤭
Supervisor cats. They seem to be very judgy
May my interior design not be found lacking.