Astrophysicists from the University of Central Lancashire (UCLan) have found that planets have flattened shapes like smarties just after they form rather than being spherical as previously thought.
It is believed that they either form through ‘core accretion,’ which is a gradual growth of dust particles that stick together to form progressively larger and larger objects on long timescales, or directly by the breaking up of large rotating protostellar disks around young stars in short timescales, which is what we call the theory of disk-instability.
This theory is appealing due to the fact that large planets can form very quickly at large distances from their host star, explaining some exoplanet observations.
Earth is flat, confirmed!
Шах и мат, круглоземельщики!
According to Google Translate:
Checkmate, round-earthers!
What the heck are “smarties”?
Oh nice! I’ve always wondered how I can harm people while enjoying a snack.
Smarties are color-varied sugar-coated dragée chocolate confectionery. They have been manufactured since 1937.
Smarties are oblate spheroids with a minor axis of about 5 mm (0.2 in) and a major axis of about 12 mm (0.5 in).
They come in eight colours: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, mauve,pink and brown, although the blue variety was temporarily replaced by a white variety in some countries, whilst an alternative natural colouring dye of the blue colour was being researched.