My right eye just suddenly feels like I have a black eye out of nowhere (didn’t injure it or anything recently). It doesn’t happen often, but this is something I’ve felt before. What the fuck is that? Did a ghost punch me in the face or something? I wanna hold some ice over it but I’m not sure it would do anything since nothing actually hit me.

Edit: Not like a migraine; it’s not a pressure behind my eyes, it literally feels like I’ve been punched and am nursing a black eye. The lower eyelid is tender AF, too, if I touch it. I posted this before I went to sleep and I just woke up about an hour ago and it still hurts.

Edit 2: You know what? It might be from wearing my VR headset. It was on kinda tight last night and the way it sits, most of that pressure is right at the top of my cheeks, just under my eyes. I might have burst some blood vessels and gotten a bruise.

    11 months ago

    You could be having migraines honestly. Before it happens do you ever get flashes of light in your vision?

    You can have migraines without the aura I’m describing. But if you do get them, definitely get checked out because migraines can have dangerous causes

    11 months ago

    Could be a migraine or a neuralgia, not fun in either case. It could also by a few other things but checking in with a doctor should be your next step if possible. Some of the causes of similar symptoms are best treated early, other causes are benign if annoying.

    11 months ago

    Inflammation can also just… happen. Back when I was going through some pretty serious personal stuff I developed acute uveitis in one of my eyes, and one night the feeling of swelling and pain was so bad it felt like my eyeball was going to rupture. No idea if it would have, but ice helped relieve it. NSAIDs were also good.

    If it hurts like a pressure, maybe ice it or take some ibuprofen just to see - it’s not likely to hurt anything, anyway! And definitely go to a doctor about it.