Angelica, a fairly popular ASMR YouTuber recently made a hard right turn after being a communist. It’s very disturbing to see since she originally supported the LGBTQ+ community and now she has completely turned heel here. She even posted an “apology” video that was so smug and awful too.

Another cringe video she just posted: “Why I Left the Left… Kids Need Protection”

  • Tastysnack [she/her]
    10 months ago

    I refuse to watch this video but if someone can pivot from communist to terf in a few months I’m going to guess she:

    a) wasn’t a fucking communist to begin with and just regurgitated what she thought made her cool

    b) is so vapid that the same reactionary justifications historically used against any minority the status quo hated has swayed her to a nazi adjacent position

    c) found out that most of her viewer base was right wing, creepy sexist guys who fawn over her and has pivoted her content and online persona to profit from her main userbase in some misguided attempt to make more money

    d) all of the above

    It’s d) folks, it’s gotta be d.

    If we could silence and lock up every person who said “it’s to protect kids” we’d actually see a generation of kids who were not abused by parents, healthy, socially adjusted, void of generational bigotry and hatred and happy probably because they weren’t been raised by the same unhinged abusive domineering, victim blaming shit heads who now use children as the excuse to justify their hatred of non cis het white people.

    • mah [none/use name]
      10 months ago

      communist to terf

      most of the terf i know are actual communists, but I get what you mean here. the meaning of terf shifted so much with time, from “trans exclusionary radical feminists”, to just any kind of transphobes. previously every terf was a transphobe, but not every transphobe was a terf. now it’s the same.

      • Tastysnack [she/her]
        10 months ago

        Yeah the lines have blurred now.

        I look forward to when everyone’s old and society is ashamed of its past transphobia and how anyone could ever be that bigoted (like how libs talk about the 80s gay moral panic and homophobia) amd remind every fucking hypocrit of what they said about me or to me when we were young.