How is rent-seeking any different than being a so-called “welfare queen”? No improvements are made but rent goes up for no reason, you’re quite literally giving someone ‘free stuff’ for no reason.
: “Buh…but…it’s my property!”
And you use that property to leverage yourself into my wallet. So excuse me if I begin to respect your “property rights” a little less in return. I mean hey, in these uncertain times, We AlL hAvE tO mAkE sAcRiFiCeS fOr ThE eCoNoMy! I’ve done all the sacrificing so far, now it’s your turn.
How is rent-seeking any different than being a so-called “welfare queen”? No improvements are made but rent goes up for no reason, you’re quite literally giving someone ‘free stuff’ for no reason.
And you use that property to leverage yourself into my wallet. So excuse me if I begin to respect your “property rights” a little less in return. I mean hey, in these uncertain times, We AlL hAvE tO mAkE sAcRiFiCeS fOr ThE eCoNoMy! I’ve done all the sacrificing so far, now it’s your turn.
Yeah, mao had the right idea