It’s a slightly click-baity title, but as we’re still generating more content for our magazines, this one included, why not?

Unpopular opinions from last time include:

  • My Sci-fi unpopular opinion is that 2001: A Space Odyssey is nothing but pretentious, LSD fueled nonsense.

  • I could not get into the expanse at all.

  • My unpopular opinion is that I don’t like space operas.

What’s yours?

  • Corroded
    10 months ago

    I’m fine with the concept of time loops/time travel but when they are going back in time multiple years then return to the future I get annoyed as hell.

    You have no idea what life the alternate you has lived. You would spend so much time trying to piece everything together. You would lose the partner and job you acquired on that perfect loop.