[email protected] It gets a bit worse, Telegram has a long-standing relationship with a Saudi organization that's essentially a govt arm in Riyadh, working in direct partnership to analyze and monitor an obscene amount of user data: https://www.saudigazette.com.sa/article/641746/SAUDI-ARABIA/Etidal-Telegram-remove-over-16-million-extremist-contents-in-early-2024
They claim this only targets terrorist groups. I can verify that it absolutely impacts groups run by queer communities in the Gulf, because I was in one such group that was monitored and shut down by Etidal.
Telegram can fuck off into the sunset.
That sucks, i don’t know if a XMPP client + Tor/Orbot would be a good alternative
I think something like Simplex Chat is easier to use.
For lower tin foil factor, https://matrix.org/
Telegram is used like a weird social network with channels and big groupchats and search. XMPP can’t do that yet.
Movim is sort of like a decentralized social media space built atop XMPP
You mean, with things similar to TG channels? Will try. Still answering specific messages with referencing them, referencing specific posts in channels and so on don’t seem to be in XMPP functionality yet.
I have no idea what channels are… Is this threading?
It’s like a blog with comments under every post.
Movim has public posts that can be commented on in a decentralized fashion but can also restrict comments to followers