Adding this to my list of bourgeois “harm reduction” which woke anarcho-neoliberals cheer: “we need free markets for drugs, sex work is work, blood work is work, Biden is a racist who is cruelly removing the agency of Mexicans, we need to smash the Stalinist authoritarian state for ruining our free markets for workers consumers!”

McLaughlin was in Michigan’s rust belt, speculating on the absence of the American auto industry and the seeming abundance of plasma centers that had sprung up in its place.

capitalism going mask off as satanic vampire ideology

no surprise that the United States is the largest exporter of human plasma, supplying two-thirds of the world’s supply. In fact, according to Blood Money, blood products accounted for nearly 3 percent of US global exports overall in 2021.

Horror Vanguard podcast is redpilled (blood pilled) about finance imperialism

Questions like, “If my insurance is paying $12,000 per dosage for this medicine, how much are the people supplying plasma getting?” Payment for plasma donation, given on prepaid debit cards, varies from clinic to clinic but averages out to around $40 per visit.

One donor tells McLaughlin that about 5 percent of his earnings go toward the special diet regular plasma donation requires, and notes that if clinics provided light snacks, a little would go a long way. At least at a blood drive, you get free cookies.

“special diet” BLOOD COW, BLOOD COW

In June 2021, US Customs and Border Protection issued a statement saying that, effective immediately, donating plasma was considered “labor for hire,” meaning that the thousands of Mexican plasma donors who crossed into the United States temporarily on a visitor visa would now need a work visa. (The news that plasma donation was considered labor did not extend to the hundreds of other plasma centers around the country.)

The following year, the two largest plasma corporations — Spain-based Grifols and Australia-based CSL — teamed up to get the faucet spurting again, challenging the work visa requirement with a lawsuit…Out of more than one thousand US clinics, the fifty-two along the border provided up to 10 percent of the total US plasma supply…That’s right — international companies sued in 2021 for their right to continue to collect the blood plasma of Mexican nationals at the border, who were contributing an outsize amount of plasma to the US national pool. This is just one of the stories from Blood Money that, in other contexts, might sound like an unhinged conspiracy theory. (I won’t get into the internationally exported, HIV-positive plasma harvested from Arkansas prisoners that the Clinton administration doesn’t want you to know about.)

“unhinged conspiracy theory” umm ACTUALLY there’s no such thing as anarcho-neoliberalism, my Bookchin zine about free markets for individual consumers to sell blood is totally different than the writings of the Federalist Society settler ghoul Liz Warren! When I say “smash the Stalinist state” it’s because I’m LITERALLY A COMMUNIST.

Based on those numbers alone, it’s clear that the work visa requirement hurt these companies’ bottom lines. But the argument that helped sway a federal district judge to help overturn the decision? The human, altruistic side of plasma giving. Per Pro Publica, the judge said that “her decision to grant a preliminary injunction reflected the crucial need for blood plasma in manufacturing lifesaving medications.”

donors should be compensated fairly — not just for their time, but for providing a priceless commodity mined from their bodies (the long-term effects of which deserve more research).

  1. we don’t need more research to know blood is necessary for human health wtf are you stupid??

  2. these woke Jacobin radlibs literally share the same unholy neoliberalism of their Bookchin PMC class allies at

"It is far more akin to the sale of a commodity. If a Mexican on a B1/B2 visa sells a used car or a basket of fruit while in the United States, that surely doesn’t qualify as “labor for hire.” The same reasoning applies to selling blood plasma. The fact that the latter comes from the body doesn’t strike me as a decisive difference. After all, selling a car or a fruit basket also involves using your body, in most cases (even if only to hand over the item sold to the buyer).

With a standard, just wage, donors wouldn’t have to gamify their trips to the clinic or sign up for promos and coupons like they’re going to a car wash.

“we need to move to Mastodon so we aren’t controlled by the algorithm” Liz Warren voters only have one type of politics, enshrining free markets for “consumer protection”, that’s it.

If plasma donation was considered work today, McLaughlin notes, its union membership would number in the millions

“Blood work is work!” :dsa:

A union could set a fair minimum payment for plasma and establish sustainable donation periods rather than rushing people in every two weeks, allowing people’s bodies time to recover from losing essential protein


But is it more uncomfortable than witnessing GoFundMes for insulin, fourteen-year-olds working factory night shifts, public schools in debt to private banks, and other current economic realities?

“I’m not a demonic monster because other monsters exist” STAY WOKE ABOUT LEFT-WING NEOLIBERALS warren-snake-green