We’ve got a bunch of new people now so let’s bring back a classic post. What low stakes conspiracy theory do you believe that you cannot prove but feels right to you?

I’ll start: I believe that dating apps have made a concerted effort to smear in person meeting people and tie it to being “creepy” through social media so you are forced to meet people online(which was the creepy option just 15 years ago)

    • Sephitard9001 [he/him]@hexbear.net
      10 months ago

      That might be true but somebody made a sort or compelling argument against that by pointing out one of the scenes where Sonic gets a bomb or something stuck to his glove and doesn’t think to remove his glove but that scene would make more sense if it was written with his original gloveless design in mind. Although you could just easily handwave that away by saying the scene is more funny if he doesn’t think to remove his glove and that could have been the intention behind the bit in the first place