Well, that was exciting. Went out for a leisurely coffee and a stroll that turned into MAJOR PANIK when I realised I had locked myself out of my friends place… no spare keys… Low phone battery… ALL my keys were attached :')
I got very, very fucking lucky that the second place I called had someone passing through the area and they came in 5 mins and they were very reasonable about it too! That’s enough excitement for one day I think
Well, that was exciting. Went out for a leisurely coffee and a stroll that turned into MAJOR PANIK when I realised I had locked myself out of my friends place… no spare keys… Low phone battery… ALL my keys were attached :')
I got very, very fucking lucky that the second place I called had someone passing through the area and they came in 5 mins and they were very reasonable about it too! That’s enough excitement for one day I think