Goddamn libs gaslighting hard about Biden’s economy being so great and we ungrateful serfs need to understand eCoNoMiCs. Two straight years of retracting incomes, with a third likely, and Democrats can’t figure out why the voters aren’t feeling overwhelming adoration for Bidenomics. This is how Trump will win, whether or not he’s in prison. People remember that their material circumstances were at their height in 2019, and along comes Biden and its been nothing but downhill for them since then. Imagine how easy this would be to fix if Democrats dared to do something, ANYTHING, to actually help people? Minimum wage going up to $15 per hour would increase family income of 56 million workers by roughly $5500. Bet that would have made a dent. But nooooooo, instead we get Union Busting Joe.


🚆 👨‍🏭