I’m sick and came to the doctor to get tested for covid, strep, and flu, since those are going around my work. I asked the doctor if I could get paxlovid if the covid test was positive, and he goes “Oh I don’t think you’d need it”

Motherfucker almost everyone who catches covid should be fucking taking it wtf is wrong with you. Oh I’m young and otherwise healthy? Yeah and I’d like to fucking stay that way thank you very much, and I’ll take any reduction in the chance of becoming permanently disabled.

Also of the medical professionals I saw today, they were only wearing surgical masks, not N95s and I can’t comprehend it. Why in the hell would you go into the room of a likely covid case not wearing an N95 are you insane?

I’m so fucking sick of being the only person in this entire town that’s actually worried about catching this disease, even the fucking doctors don’t care anymore. I work in a research facility attached to a hospital and when I go to the food court and shit at best like 1/25 people are wearing masks. In a hospital.

Thank you Mr Joe Brandon for ending the pandemic, you’ve truly cemented your place among history’s greatest killers.

covid-cool biden-harbinger covid-cool

  • duderium [he/him]@hexbear.net
    1 year ago

    You have no concept of how complex the decisions are around prescribing medications.

    “Will I get reprimanded by my hospital’s board of directors if I prescribe desperately needed medication to the poors?”

    You’re young and healthy. You don’t need Paxlovid. End of story.

    “Life expectancy for anyone under the age of 40 isn’t going to decrease itself!”

    Also: everyone infected with covid has a ten to twenty percent chance of getting long covid, which currently has no cure. Paxlovid reduces that chance. So prescribe it!

    Do you really think your doctor has never heard of long COVID?

    Many such cases of doctors assuming that long covid is some kind of psychological issue. The real psychological issue is that doctors tend to come from rich families who have nothing but contempt for workers. I know because my spouse is a nurse and I come from a family of doctors.

    It is not just some magic pill to be thrown around “just in case” to young healthy people anxious about rare complications. Every time you prescribe it you roll the dice. You might be selecting for a strain that is resistant to Paxlovid. You might have an unwanted side effect or allergy. You might have picked up the last pack from your local pharmacy which means the 80 year old diabetic with a kidney transplant can’t get it.

    Cool. Explain this to the patient who wants paxlovid and let them make the decision. Problem solved! I know you’ll feel guilty about treating workers like human beings, but don’t worry, I’m sure your bourgeois puppet masters will find some other way to make up for whatever labor is spent on preventing yet more needless death and misery.

    Also, thanks for letting us know you’re a doctor. I fucking LOVE dunking on doctors! You all think you’re so fucking smart, but you’d be nothing without your family’s inherited stolen wealth 😉 . How many examples are there of people impersonating doctors for years without being found out? And whenever they ARE discovered, it’s never because they’ve harmed a patient. It’s always because some bourgeois signifier (i.e., the watch isn’t golden enough) is off.

    • 38fhh2f8th5819c7@lemm.ee
      1 year ago

      I presume you’re American because you insist wealth is a prerequisite to a medical degree. My parents were low-middle income before they retired. We ate 2 minute noodles at least twice a week and Dad grew most of the veggies. I went to a shitty public high school. I worked hard, got good grades and scored well in the entry exam. Nowhere in any of this was the question of money ever an issue. The government pays (well, loans really) the university fee and I was on welfare for the duration of my studies, which is less than minimum wage so I had a part time job as well.

      Paxlovid has not been studied in the prevention of long COVID, and another closely related antiviral combination (lopinavir + ritonavir) has actially been shown to increase the odds ratio of long COVID by 92%.

      I’m done arguing with non-doctors about this.