Six African cities will have more than 10 million people by 2035, with the continent’s booming young population making it the world’s fastest urbanising region, according to a report.

Angola’s capital, Luanda, and Tanzania’s commercial hub, Dar es Salaam, will join the metropolises of Cairo, Kinshasa, Lagos and Greater Johannesburg with populations of more than 10 million, the Economist Intelligence Unit said in a report on African cities.

Africa’s youthful, growing cities are seen as a boundless source of creativity and innovation, but many have also been the focus of waves of protests this year amid corruption, tax risesa lack of jobs and political classes that are more often than not regarded as out of touch.

  • AllNewTypeFace
    26 days ago

    Nairobi and Kampala are seen as the same conurbation? That’s like talking about LA and Las Vegas as one metro area.