CombatLiberalism [he/him]

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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: August 31st, 2023


  • I’ve been enjoying it, but I think it’s more because I grew up playing Bethesda RPGs and it’s a familiar format in a new setting than anything special with starfield itself. I’ve been finding the pacing is way too quick as well, I’ll spoiler just in case


    The game sends you to a planet called new Atlantis and has you explore for a bit, get into a lil cutscene, and go off to the next location. In terms of what you actually do there it felt comparable in content to when you bring the tablet to dragonsreach in Skyrim and you get word about a dragon attacking.

    Then you get sent to Mars. Since it’s a planet in our solar system I was kinda expecting it’s first appearance to be a little more important, but you end up saying a handful of words to an NPC and sent off somewhere else. Even compared to the typical Skyrim or Fallout 3 (the ones I played the most) location introduction it was incredibly short.

    The Bethesda RPG formula has been “go to location, talk to NPC, go to new location, fight enemy, return” for a while, but with starfield it’s starting to feel more like a fast travel simulator with combat minigames. I’m still really early in the game so I’m holding out hope that it gets a little more involved but knowing the state of big RPG releases the past few years I’m not optimistic.

  • Advocates for the inmates said the incident was a protest over prison conditions, including the excessive heat, limited access to showers and ice and unclean drinking water. A US National Weather Service heat advisory is in place until Tuesday for the area, warning temperatures could reach up to 100F (37.7C)…

    The DOC says the prison is short of 50 officers, which has been exacerbated by the holiday weekend, leading to intermittent lockdowns of inmates since Friday. It means prisoners have been kept in their cells for longer periods, reportedly with no air conditioning…

    DOC commissioner Paul Schnell said inmates were usually given several hours a day during the weekend for recreation, but holiday-related staff shortages had cut that down to just a single hour.

    Jesus, I can’t imagine how dehumanizing it must be to be locked up for 23 hours of the day in the blistering heat and not even have access to clean water

  • Suppressing them is step 1 every time I play, but I was playing as japan and did some cheesing to bump them down enough temporarily to trigger an event but boy did they NOT like that. I also hadn’t developed my urban industries enough, meaning they were just constantly regaining their influence, revolting, losing the war and whatever influence they built, rinse and repeat.

    Started a new run as Persia that is going insanely well. It’s January of 1840, the entirety of Central Asia that wasn’t already under Russian/Qing control at the start are now my vassals, and I completely control nearly all of the Persian region. Infamy is pretty high but I have no real competitors in the region so once I finish growing I’m going to settle down and work on my economy. Currently I’m waiting for my peace treaty with Oman to expire to get that second little port they have, so while that’s going on I’m getting ready to invade Afghanistan. Surely nothing will go wrong in Afghanistan.

    Edit: things went wrong in Afghanistan