• 84 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 9th, 2023


  • Ubiquitous acceptance of anecdotal evidence from a blue check mark twitter handle is just going to morph lemmy into /r/conspiracy and I hate /r/conspiracy. If you believe that going by feels is adequate, I have a Jewish space laser to sell you.

    Rarely do I become incensed by anything on the internet, but willfully discouraging yourself and others from ascertaining the reality of a situation is cancerous. I urge you, and anyone else reading this, to verify information, always. We live in an age where adequate comprehension involves adequate corroborative research and denying adequate research is akin to denying reality.

    Now, that said, synagogue had it coming if the agency’s selling pillaged Palestinian land. I’ve been attempting to access their website for 2 days but they seem disinterested in updating their certificate. Likely due to bad press. If you can somehow verify that this map hosted real listings in the West Bank, that’d go far in legitimizing your anger. Suggesting that [internet person says thing] is enough does not.

    Also, thank you for noticing my username c:

  • Baggy has always looked goofy. A stylish pair of pants should, ideally, make someone glance at your bits and bobs. Taut enough to accentuate but loose enough to tickle their curiosity. Baggy pants have always offered either too much or too little information. There’s no reveal when your groin is in plain view and there’s too much mystery when your pants offer no outline. If the realm of questions includes “what’s that smell” or “did they hide a whole rotisserie chicken?” then something has gone awry. Don’t allow this to become acceptable again.

  • Robbed the kitchen of a couple minutes, robbed the host of a couple minutes, robbed the company of a couple bucks worth of food. Essentially victimless. The restaurants I worked at offered unclaimed food to staff for half price or free. Not a huge deal, essentially harmless. Half hour before close usually isn’t an inconveniently busy time.