Melonius [he/him]

  • 2 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 24th, 2023


  • The middle panel up top has baggage. Maybe it goes without saying, but even people with sizeable investments profit or exist at the whims of capitalism. More than 1 ghoulish landlord lost most of their hoarded wealth during the housing crisis, and plenty of “small business” owners can see themselves muscled out if larger capitalist set their eyes on a market and bribing (buying out) is off the table. Every petite bourgeoisie is always one manufactured capitalist crisis away from losing their artificially granted “class”.

    They will probably not come around but it’s worth reminding them to take the wind out of their sails. Maybe they’ll be materially worse off under a Marxist system right now, but there is value in living in a society where you will not be abandoned by society or go hungry, nor have to see others suffer that way.

    I went off topic but I think that “no other investments” line is too open to wrong interpretations.

  • trying to make the whole world trans

    Fucking dumb. It’s like saying anti-racists are trying to make the world a single race. No dumb ass they’re trying to make the world not racist.

    They’re being told people should be able to choose the kind of person they want to be without having to worry about all the gendered propaganda we’ve been fed our entire life. Their response:

    I will NOT stand for that shit.

    Just because they’re unhappy with what they were born with doesn’t mean everyone feels that way.

    Just a complete fundamental misunderstanding of everything while also being an entitled shit. I doubt they fit perfectly in to society’s cubicuboctahedron role they were assigned at birth and drilled in to them every day of their life by all the people they love. Stay ignorant.

  • I picked up my mail the other day and it was just all shit ads. Just 100% garbage paper shipped around the country. Then I thought about how people are complaining the Post Office isn’t making enough money to be self sufficient. Makes sense. Post Office workers are paid money to shove trash in a box for me to come move to the garbage can. Currently it’s “too expensive” to ship trash to our mail boxes. The solution is the post office needs to send us more trash so they can get better equipment and staff to support the increasing cost of shipping trash to metal boxes that then get moved to trash cans.

    It’s insanity why are we moving trash around, why am I getting trash delivered to me. Why can’t we just send each other love letters and seasons greetings. Nope gotta get a plastic sheet with the latest version of SUV #6, debt consolidation services, and tons of brilliantly financially engineered products to get more debt, or a fuckin bill. Why does the post office need to operate at the mercy of marketing - top 10 most damaging corp jobs.

  • I want to say it’s not a case of a scientific person getting a subject they’re not familiar with wrong. I watched some of her climate change vids months ago, and although factually there wasn’t a ton wrong with it, the way it was presented was really off-putting.

    And I realized that it’s the format. She spends time describing some easy and commonly misunderstood ways that people think drive climate change, and spends a few minutes debunking them. At the very end of the video she gives a basic summary about stratospheric cooling and shares a famously misused graph from Manabe (but presents them “correctly”). The one she uses is

    While a more updated one that very clearly shows in a simple manner the problem:

    What bugs me is she’s giving viewers all they need to debunk someone who’s not familiar with the finer details. She supplies helpful reading material, but the video itself felt falsely presented. Ultimately it takes a complex issue and makes it worse somehow.

    I hate that I still can’t quite articulate why it rubs me the wrong way, but the graph really bugged me. If you did the research on Manabes original paper you had to have come across updated charts. If you really wanted to teach people, why would you use a pixelated black and white line graph to present info?

    Anyways I decided she’s fedposting because something stunk. It was mostly bad vibes, but my guess was she was gathering a following of casual non specialized scientists and slipping in micro doses of bullshit reactionary brain worms and teaching chuds how to argue against casuals.