RyanGosling [none/use name]

  • 36 Posts
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: September 3rd, 2023


  • That’s not even the absurd part in my opinion. The dates for Easter and Jesus’ death changes every year. It makes zero sense. Christmas is on the 25th of each year which makes sense because it’s consider his birth day - and yes I know the story whatever. People still consider it his birthday, and as such, it must be the same day every year - but for some reason we celebrate his death and resurrection on completely different dates each year.

    The historical explanation is because of competing holidays around the same time, but socially it makes no sense because this is not how annual occasions work. Imagine if “July 4th” was celebrated on “the second Thursday of every July” and it could be the 2nd, the 3rd, the 8th, etc.

  • What’s particularly funny about posts like these is that it often comes from dudes who are in their 20s or 30s but still single. They don’t have children, girlfriends, or wives but are giving out family advice.

    They are also likely incels and despise white women and fetishize Asian women, but again, they’re nowhere near the family stage so it’s just a dude larping as a trad nationalist father figure but is probably barely older than a high school senior

  • AP article on this:

    “All the countries that Mexico has diplomatic relations with were invited,” he said.

    However, Ukraine’s Ambassador to Mexico, Oksana Dramaretska, wrote in her social media accounts that “The civic-military parade in Mexico City was stained by the participation of a Russian regiment; the boots and hands of these war criminals are stained with blood.”

    Some members of López Obrador’s Morena party have publicly expressed affection for Russia even after the invasion, and López Obrador has frequently criticized the United States for sending arms to Ukraine.

    López Obrador’s administration has continued to buy Russia’s Sputnik COVID vaccine and intends to use it as a booster shot later this year, along with Cuba’s Abdala vaccine.

    Experts have questioned the use of those vaccines, along with Mexico’s own Patria vaccine, as a booster for new variants, because all of them were designed in 2020 to combat variants circulating at the time.

    First of all, Ukraine could’ve participated as well if they wanted lol.

    Second, they’re criticizing Mexico for trying to keep its citizens safe and healthy because they don’t want to go in debt to buy American shit. This paternalism and lack of vaccine assistance is why so much of Africa is wanting to work with China and Russia. Even if their shit isn’t 100% magic cures like the west’s, they’re still giving them away or selling them at a fair price. If the west wants to own china and Russia then they would fucking remove patents or license it cheaply.

    As for Cuba, I remember reading that their vaccines’ efficacy is on par with the west, but because of the sanctions, they cannot obtain the equipment to mass produce it for themselves for anyone else. Despite this, they’ve still donated their medicine to others in need.

    https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2023/06/01/pandemic-vaccines-cuba-who-planning/#:~:text=Cuba could have asked the,a state sponsor of terrorism.

  • I always got As in middle and high school with bare minimum effort. Never learned to study or do work I didn’t want to do. Now I’ve failed a few classes in college which costed several thousand dollars while people who weren’t in the top 2 every year like me have already graduated and started their careers. smoothskin

    Similarly, I used to love reading. Long books were fine too. But then around 8th grade, my English classes stopped mandatory reading time at the beginning of each class. Things became more difficult in college because I didn’t have to read shit for like 5 years lol

  • I’ve noticed that when leftists see a sympathetic villain who’s also cartoonishly evil for the sake of plot, the villain will be critiqued to death and ultimately, there’s either critical support or no support for dumb writing.

    But conservatives will see a caricature of themselves and have zero reflection and become jealous that there’s no one as evil as that villain in real life for them to support. Like, I know a lot of people on here who enjoyed Death of Stalin despite its liberalism, but I can only imagine conservatives threatening to kill the director of Death of Trump and following through