SwitchyWitchyandBitchy [she/her]

Came for the pronouns, stayed for the memes.

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 22nd, 2023


  • We all experience our gender and trans-ness in different ways. Have you seen genderdysphoria.fyi? AFAIK it’s a good resource when you’re trying to figure out your gender, and also as a resource for explaining things to people when you’re still just figuring these things out for yourself.

    Also, a lot of the things you mentioned resonate with me. From my mom insisting there were no signs (in my case I did experience dysphoria but didn’t understand it and kept it hidden as much as I could, as with my other ND traits), to her being vehemently against me starting hrt due to health risks, and even the whole strong willed child thing sounds familiar. In my case she also always tried to get me to wear lens clothes or at least stuff less feminine I think in her eyes, and stay closeted in as many situations as possible. She didn’t understand why I couldn’t just be a feminine man. She’s been better lately at least but it took a lot of talking and setting boundaries and me continuing to be strong willed.

    I’m on HRT now and for me at least my mental health is way better, and I’m much happier living my life.