Went to get snacks.
I’m back now.
Anyone want a tato chip?
But I asked for corn chips. How are we supposed to make this work when you just don’t hear me?
What am I supposed to do with all this guacamole?!
here comrade
We can’t cater to the minority of people who only eat corn chips with guacamole
I initially joined the left, but then somebody was once mean to me online!
Anyway nothing changed because I try to base my views of the world on actual reason and history. What up my tankies?
I used to want to make the world a better place but then one person criticized my opinions so now I want to make the world worse for myself and everyone around me.
guys I’m leaving the left to go grab some beer does anyone want anything?
I’ll make some dip!
Welcome back! I was so worried when you went right (to the store) because prices are so high right now.
How many chips can you spin in your mind at once? That’s your chipscore
At school there’s a new fad called “chip boys,” people just lean against the wall flipping chips
deleted by creator
im rotating three chips along different axes in my mind. ppl with aphantasia hate me
I can barely hover a single chip in my mind.
hundreds of chips, dozens of rats, and a cow, all while blaring freebird
popato chisps
Potato chips are bourgeois
I left the left because I have to go to work, where saying the word “union” will get me fired
Literally 1984
whoever named that emoji is a genius
thx for making me check that out, i agree
Mmm… Potato chips
hell yeah, glad ur back! gimme a couple of those tato chips!
Is high res potato chip spinning slowly to free bird solo (10 hour mix) up on YouTube or is that a niche I should fill myself
love to see a classic post come back every once in a while
Death to America