• 31 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • IP cameras allow you to access the device via web gui where you can view and configure the camera for your needs. Once I’ve set them up I only ever access them again through frigate.

    Thanks for the answer. What kind of management do they provide on their WebUI? Can the camera be 100% operated using the WebUI, standalone without anything else? I’m just trying to understand how dependent on external software (be it their apps, cloud or HA) the cameras are.

  • . For one, there’s comparatively zero users across XMPP anyways, and it has a big problem with compatibility across different software packages.

    This isn’t a problem, the problem is that we lack decent clients. XMPP is the most standardized thing ever, both the core thing and extensions are covered by RFCs but currently there isn’t much investment into creating solid clients.

    server operators unknowingly hosting copies of it across the world.

    Well, at least a properly configured XMPP server with the relevant extensions won’t be a metadata clusterfuck like Matrix is. Nor it will be centered around a spec and software made by a single for profit organization.

    Then there’s the privacy and GDPR minefields that come with any decentralized/federated service.

    Email is federated and nobody is complaining about it.

  • Matrix is developed by a for profit entity, a group of venture capitalists and having a spec doesn’t mean everything. The way Matrix is designed is to force into jumping through hoops and kind of draw all attention to Matrix itself instead of the end result.

    XMPP is the true and the OG federated and truly open solution that is very extensible. XMPP is tested, reliable, secure and above all a truly open standard and decentralized it just lacks some investment in better mobile clients.

    What people fail to see is that XMPP is the only solution that treats messaging and video like email: just provide an address and the servers and clients will cooperate with each other in order to maintain a conversation. Everything else is just an attempt at yet another vendor lock-in.

    People need to get this through their heads, XMPP is the only solution for their problems.

    Instead of wasting money into making yet another protocol, closed system etc. what about just work on a cross platform XMPP client that actually supports everything and has a decent UI. For eg. iOS clients are all shit. Without decent clients and push notifications people won’t be using XMPP ever.