A middle-aged nerd from the UK. I like films and write about them, sometimes for Film Stories or my blog.

Have a great day.

  • 160 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 27th, 2023


  • I remember the first DVDs extras where items such as “interactive menu” which always bugged me because surely a non interactive menu is just a picture of some buttons?

    Anyway, the extras got better and better over the years and the quality on some titles has been astounding.

    The Frighteners has a 4½ hour “making of” for example. The Alien Quadrilogy and Blade Runner are two more examples of amazing DVD extras as well.

    Sadly, it seems to be just the boutique labels putting in the work these days. It’s frustrating when studio releases list several intriguing sounding extras and then it turns out they only last five minutes each.

  • Agreed. I saw an interview with him where he explained that he appreciated Dredd Day (many years ago) where fans got the film to the number 1 spot on Amazon’s chart in order to promote interest in a sequel.

    But as he further explained, all of the investors lost money on the original film, so getting anyone to invest in a sequel was an impossibility.

  • Despite having no knowledge of the source material, I loved Arcane season 1, so really looking forward to Season 2. I think I read there’s another Batman Ninja coming. The first one is beautiful and, excuse the pun, bat shit crazy! As a Terminator fan, really interested in the upcoming Netflix animated show. What else?? Sony and Netflix have a new Ghostbusters animated show in development, but I think that’s quite a way off yet. I see posts below of the animated Watchmen adaptation. I’m interested to see this, although I find DC usual straight to DVD content quite cheap looking. I love the live action Watchmen director’s cut (the one without the animated Black Sails segments) and I wonder if they’re sticking to the original squid ending?