WithoutFurtherDelay [they/them]

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 15th, 2023


  • I always dislike the “hedonic treadmill” framing because it implies there’s something wrong with our brain seeking pleasurable things, and I don’t think an ideal society would be structured to meet our bare minimum needs and have no art, entertainment, or luxury

    I think the main distinction is that we need a sustainably improved lifestyle to be happier, rather than just big individual hits of pleasure

    And I do think I’ve seen examples of people pursuing dreams and being happier for it- Indie game devs are a prime example. It’s just rare because it takes a certain level of privilege to get started with it

    I am sort of confused what you consider to be “proper” dreaming. I agree that the way we’re taught now is wrong, but what would be correct? The way you phrase all this makes me thing the “proper” way to dream would be to give up all dreams beyond base subsistence, albeit gradually, which seems contrary of the actual function of a dream or main goal in the first place: something that’s enjoyable and feels important and fulfilling to do. Sure, it’s a goal, but a goal that makes you give up all other goals just feels like a replacement for capitalism.

    I am not attempting to le epically own reddit-logo you, btw. I’m just spitballing. I think I agree with you here

  • The United States (and most of the world) seems to consist of oppressive, dominant neurotypical fucks in power, neurotypical people who are aware of it but go along with it for brownie points, neurotypical people who are aware of it but delude themselves into thinking they don’t, neurotypical people who are not aware of it at all, neurotypical people who are aware of it and want to do something about it (based), neurodivergent people who are shit on and bullied without having any real idea why, and neurodivergent people who understand why and are super pissed about it (based)

    You can probably tell how a person or group or people are going to act based on which or these groups they fall in

    Most good communities are a mix of based #1 and based #2

  • I actually did mean “reactionary programmer” and not programmers in general. I also don’t think this is inherent, it’s definitely a result of how programming has been put into sort of a faux-means-ownership position for a while now, and the veil is only just now starting to slip.

    And at no point did I mean to imply that they were assholes just because they were neurotypical- I just meant that avoiding human interaction would make more sense if you’re neurodivergent and it’s actively unpleasant because of other’s ableism

    I’m sorry for the confusion. Lefty programmers rock 100-com