aaro [they/them]

touch grass, eat ass, abolish class heart-sickle

  • 3 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: October 22nd, 2020


  • I mean, they’re kinda right, not in that societal collapse is when no double chunky munky blizzard, but societal collapse looks like that in that it’s a fair bet as a precursor to societal collapse. I think it’s pretty reasonable to think the treats will be the first to go and the loss of the treats will precipitate more chaos.

  • you’re so valid for that to be honest, most explanations of the difference are made with leftists in mind, and very few liberals know leftism 101 so very few explanations detailing the difference are written with liberals or new leftists in mind (because knowing leftism 101 makes you not want to be a liberal any more lol)

    The dividing line between leftists and liberals is most commonly agreed on as who should own the productive apparatus of society - liberals believe that individuals owning the apparatus necessary to sustain life, liberty, and happiness is fine, and leftists believe that the only ethical path forward is to make all of this apparatus collectively owned. The specific nature of this ownership, and how the ownership transfer should go down, varies a lot between anarchists, communists, Marxists, Democratic Socialists, etc., but we all agree that allowing an individual to own a means of production is a recipe for disaster.