anarcho_blinkenist [none/use name]

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Joined 1 month ago
Cake day: September 7th, 2024


  • Belarus also had the lowest covid deaths in Europe, there have been western studies on it and their conclusion was largely because healthcare was maintained enough through the collapse that they have I think it’s 7 beds per 1000 people, versus the US and UK having somewhere between 0.8-1.2 beds per 1000, and Russia and other eastern bloc countries were much lower too because of the post-USSR privatization and plundering being so much worse. I think even Germany only had 1.6 beds per 1000. I forget the exact numbers so don’t quote them exactly, but it is a studied topic. Meanwhile western media was berating Belarus for a couple jokes Lukashenko made irt covid about “go to a sauna and drink some vodka you’ll be fine” as if the government was letting everyone die (It’s a thing I’ve noticed is the western media, either deliberately or out of total ignorance for the language and culture never even allows consideration that Lukashenko might be joking with the press).

    But the west media was hand-wringing in articles like Belarus were taking a full on ‘ignore it and it will go away’ approach, while at the same time having articles of pro-west and reactionary protestors against the government in Belarus being dragged away by police to show the authoritarianism (the favorite liberal buzzword which never applies to US mass prisons or militarized hypermurderous police), and in those article photos all of the police are wearing masks (and the protestors in large part weren’t). It’s always projection. Cops in the US never wore masks, even during the Floyd protests at the height of covid before vaccine access; even in cities where people were dying en masse because there were no hospital beds or supplies. Closest thing the pigs did to masking up was the visors on their robocop riot gear when they were brutally bashing heads supported by military humvees and experimental war machines. Over a dozen people were killed by cops in those protests, many within a few weeks of the start. But no look over at Belarus and Lukashenko!! Pay no attention to the fascists behind our curtain.

  • it really puts its finger on exactly why I struggle reading Trotsky. or Trotskyist articles, because they seem to have a doctrinal requirement that every 3rd paragraph they need to do what Lenin says but on Trotsky’s behalf, either that or shoe in a rant about STALINIST STALINITE STALINOID BUREAUCRACY removedD WORKERS STATE STALIN. I once read an article from a Trot org on Ukraine and they were talking about the (CIA-adjoined) SBU doing gestapo shit and made sure to pause to let us, the readers, know that THIS IS A LEGACY OF THE STALINIST BUREAUCRACY STALINIST NKVD yea ok buddy.

    I also love the last Che quote “And also your friend trotsky, who existed and apparently wrote something” so catty lmao

  • “His judgment of men was profound. He early saw through the flamboyance and exhibitionism of Trotsky, who fooled the world, and especially America. The whole ill-bred and insulting attitude of Liberals in the U.S. today began with our naive acceptance of Trotsky’s magnificent lying propaganda, which he carried around the world. Against it, Stalin stood like a rock and moved neither right nor left, as he continued to advance toward a real socialism instead of the sham Trotsky offered.”

    — W. E. B. Du Bois, On Stalin

    “Trotsky has never yet held a firm opinion on any important question of Marxism. He always contrives to worm his way into the cracks of any given difference of opinion, and desert one side for the other.”

    — VI Lenin, The Right of Nations to Self-Determination, Collected Works

    “Trotsky is very fond of using with the learned air of the expert pompous and high-sounding phrases to explain historical phenomena in a way that is flattering to Trotsky.”

    — VI Lenin, Disruption of Unity Under Cover of Outcries for Unity, Collected Works

    1. The problem of Trotskyism is not a struggle between tendencies within the Chinese Communist Party, for between communists and Trotskyists there is no link, absolutely not one link: It is a question that concerns the entire people: the struggle against the Fatherland.
    2. The Japanese fascists and foreigners now it. That’s why they seek to create divisions to deceive public opinion and damage the reputation of the Communists, making people believe that Communists and Trotskyists are in the same camp.
    3. The Chinese Trotskyists (like the Trotskyists of other countries) do not represent a political group, much less a political party. They are nothing but a band of evil-doers, the running dogs of Japanese fascism (and of international fascism).
    4. In all countries, the Trotskyists give themselves fine names in order to mask their dirty work and banditry. For example: in Spain they call themselves the United Marxist Workers Party (POUM). Do you know that it’s they who constitute the nests of spies in Madrid in Barcelona and in other places in the service of Franco?
    5. The Trotskyists are not only the enemies of Communism, they are also the enemies of democracy and of progress. They are the most infamous traitors and spies.

    — Ho Chi Minh, Three letters from Ho Chi Minh

    “I think that the fundamental stuff that Trotsky was based upon was erroneous and that his ulterior behaviour was wrong and his last years were even dark. The Trotskyites have not contributed anything whatsoever to the revolutionary movement; where they did most was in Peru, but they finally failed there because their methods are bad.”

    — Che Guevara quoted in “Comments on ‘Critical Notes on Political Economy’

    “In Cuba there is nothing published, if one excludes the Soviet bricks, which bring the inconvenience that they do not let you think; the party did it for you and you should digest it. It would be necessary to publish the complete works of Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin [underlined by Che in the original] and other great Marxists. Here would come to the great revisionists (if you want you can add here Khrushchev), well analyzed, more profoundly than any others and also your friend Trotsky, who existed and apparently wrote something.”

    — Che Guevara, Letter to Armando Hart Dávalos

  • It’s interesting you’re so frothingly reactionary you took me saying:

    an (obviously false) equivalence between the Nazis and Communists in an active way; or even insinuate the Nazis were better (which is definitional Nazi apologia)

    ie. me saying: “The Communists are better than the Nazis and anyone trying to convince you otherwise is engaging in Nazi apologia”

    you instead took that as me saying: “Stalin did nothing wrong” and throw out an ethnicized slur toward Russians (who were only one of the hugely diverse groups of nationalities within the Soviet Union. Stalin himself was Georgian, even).

    You’re so reactionary and so sympathetic toward the Nazis that you just made up a thing I didn’t say to start frothingfash about.

    There were certainly things Stalin got wrong, and also many things he got right. He was a person. A human being; and part of the first socialist experiment ever tried in history. There were failures, and also great successes. It’s an incredible history which you seem to be too irrationally hate-filled and stunted-in-curiosity to ever recognize and learn from. And in all of this — the Soviet communists were, and are, forever incomparably better than the Nazis. Or their collaborators. Or for that matter the European colonialists and their US offshoots who were doing what Hitler did and worse for hundreds of years in Africa and the Americas, etc. which served as Hitler’s inspiration and original material support system. And anyone who doesn’t think so and says otherwise, is a literal Nazi apologist — and also irresponsibly historically illiterate.

    And some things you can never take away from Stalin’s leadership, try and wish as you might, is the rapid industrialization into a formidable superpower of the USSR in 1/12 of the time and human cost it took the capitalist-colonialist world, and the subsequent defeat of the Nazis; after which the USSR, having collectivized and industrialized, ended the every-decade famines that rocked the region for its entire history previously, built mass housing to end homelessness and had expanded healthcare and education to everyone developing it to world-class levels, and even providing free travel and education for students, scientists, teachers, doctors, and fighters and commanders and leaders of independence and other revolutionary struggles from around the world including in the imperialized and colonized countries which “the West” kept in squalor and subjugation; which sustained even after his death the means to educate, train, and arm the people of colonized nations to gain their independence and assert themselves on the world stage — paving the way to some of the great multipolar projects we see today. This, no matter what tantrums you throw or complaints you levy toward the mistakes that were made, will never be taken away from the era of his leadership. And you may clutch your pearls, but the much of the global south thinks very differently than you do on this topic. May be worth considering why that is.

  • yes there is; investments like buying guns to arm your antifascist and red guard friends; putting money in strike funds and bail funds; buying books (or printer paper and ink) to help comrades engage in theory and host study groups or print agitprop material to distribute and poster…

    but yeah “marxist stock-trading” is an oxymoron. You are being the opposite of a communist; you are becoming a petty capitalist contributing to subsidizing the big capitalist’s exploitation of labor, in exchange for dividends off of generated profits ie exploited surplus value created by labor; and trying to leverage other petty and big capitalists’ confidence in the stability and growth of profits to sell for higher than you bought.

    Aside from it being contradictory on its face to “stock-trade like a communist”, I’d feel dirty as hell if I spent time and effort using the tools of liberation that are dialectical and historical materialism to analyze the confidence-game ponzi-scheme that is capitalist stock market and gamble on stocks(which again, the value and its fluctuation comes from real and expected profitability; that is, the surpluses and stability of growth of these surpluses that can be expected to be vampirized from exploited labor) rather than on exposing the most critical points of contradiction and agitating and organizing their rupture to the benefit of the communist movement.

  • The stock market often is counterintuitive to material analysis.

    that’s only if you’re looking at it from the perspective of a prole looking at use-value and what “makes sense” from a sensible grounded point of view. If you fully accept the ass-backwards spackle and tape superstition that capitalist economy operates on, where it is just one big confidence game and ponzi scheme; then using dialectical materialist and historical materialist analysis within that framework can absolutely bear fruit. That does not mean under any circumstances this is what it should be used for. I would bully a friend if I found out they were vulgarizing materialist liberation philosophy for such shameless petty-bourgeois ends.

    Games top is a hot stock because a bunchnof nerds figured out mass market manipulation, they’re brilliant material analysis was to start selling nfts, somehow their stock remains high.

    case in point; they figured out the ways that markets can be manipulated without any real basis; because the stock market as it exists and has existed for a long time is all one big confidence game and ponzi scheme at the end of the day. They had a real materialist analysis of the situation, they just have no principles nor have it attached to any ideology or ethos beyond printing more money from nothing because they figured out they can do it, just as Musk and these other dipshits can do it.

  • Ruchir Sharma’s account is not like any you will have heard before.

    proceeds to say the same monotonous sleight-of-hand changing-the-name-of-things-and-thinking-you’ve-changed-the-thing-itself garbage every bourgeois economist left of Murray goddamn Rothbard has shit out then re-shit out from their overpaid university institutions in a nauseating cycle for a hundred years

    This is literally the same “road to serfdom” (also a terrible book) mont perelin garbage that has been bandied about by liberal bourgeois economists for a century, and is still as detached from the material reality and interests and the actual nature of political-economy and the state behind these inevitable realities. I’m unreasonably pissed at that blurb for being so goddamn bad and historically illiterate. gulag

    both of them. author and blurb-writer. go to the gulag and be reeducated. You must transcribe Marx’s Captital by hand 3 times, with select chapters chosen by the central committee to be transcribed 10 times each.