pillow [she/her]


  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 26th, 2023


  • I understand the impulse—to meme-ify this thing that has become a symbol for the cynical, trauma-mining jingoism of American life. But I also think it’s a way to do what I did, what all my friends did, after 9/11—to minimize its impact on us. Because whether you were there or not; whether you were born before or after, that event has deeply and tragically affected our lives—taken away your personal freedoms in the form of the Patriot Act; put blood on your hands and guilt in your hearts in the form of endless war on foreign soils. We’re all trying to put it behind a screen; to make it a movie.

    this is where the left-libs’ “9/11 was a tragedy, I’m only mocking how it was used afterwards” position takes you: viewing anti-americanism as just an ironic performance, done by people trying to sublimate their cynicism from their fundamental love of country

    but when I make fun of 9/11 I’m not using gallows humor to cope with cognitive dissonance. there’s nothing gallows about it bc I don’t particularly view 9/11 as a tragedy. I just hate this country and find the blowback for our crimes a bit satisfying

  • SROs for the poor are more expensive even and the conditions are usually much worse. esp in this part of the city I bet the target market for pods is pretty much only people who already have a nice office they can shower and exercise and hang out in and only need a space to lie down, so really they’re probably doing fine.

    sorry I’m a little skittish around this discourse bc a lot of the time it’s cast as “gross why would you live this way instead of like a human being” which can really catch housing-precarious ppl in the blast radius

  • I don’t really care about a scene chock-a-block with techbrained labor aristocrats who think that nonfree components is somehow a really pressing issue, but fwiw it’s pretty obvious that step zero is for the fsf to fire that fossilized misogynist from the board and officially sever all ties with him, and that after that they need to have a real reckoning with their prospects of success as long as they hold on to this idealist voluntarist nerd wet dream fantasy of 1982 rms competing head to head with symbolics code, like a few ideologues with spare time/money can gaslight people into thinking that free software is just inherently better, instead of grappling with the real foundational issues of capitalism like actual sites of class struggle (labor, queer liberation, veganism, the climate movement, etc) all figured out how to do

  • a few years ago I tried joining a vc with some friends (some autistic even) and I ended up disconnecting in tears cause listening to their repartee was such a harsh reminder of how bad I am verbally. when I have to speak out loud I just blank or stumble through inane things. I have to work pretty hard to communicate clearly even when I know what I want to say, and thinking of things to say is mostly beyond my ability

    so I guess I wish other autistic people would stop trying to make communication issues out to be some kind of hidden superpower. for me it’s just a disability.

  • I’m surprised and happy to report that queer bluesky is full of wall-to-wall 9/11 memes with nobody being weird about it

    I’m much less happy to report that they’re “not minimizing the tragedy or loved ones who died, only mocking our national response”

    it’s fine I guess. at least now we know that the secret to getting libs to stop taking state department propaganda seriously is to just wait long enough for half of them to not even have been born yet. probably generation epsilon or whatever will be making post-meta-ironic memes about the ukraine war