Shifty EyesOPtoLeminal Space Meta•New Account - Hidden Posts and Hidden Communities Issue?English
1 month agoPinned posts come through but nothing else:[email protected]?dataType=Post&sort=Hot&showHidden=true
Pinned posts come through but nothing else:[email protected]?dataType=Post&sort=Hot&showHidden=true
Another Couple Examples:
When logged in, I can’t find this community in search, and when I visited it for the first time, all of the posts were hidden by default for some reason, I had to click the eyeball to unhide.[email protected]
After clicking the eyeball to unhide, the posts show up, and the community shows up when searching.[email protected]?dataType=Post&sort=Hot&showHidden=true
Thanks so much for looking into this and for running this instance, I appreciate it.
I’ll let you know if I experience the hidden posts issue if I encounter it. Thanks!