It’s a fact that he lies his ass off every chance he gets. That’s not news. And Kamala knowing that he lies is not news either.
Yeah, but she’s calling that shit out.
And it gives the media a chance to print “he lies” since it’s someone else saying it, and they’re afraid of getting in trouble.
And it entices Donald to say something stupid like, “I don’t lie, she lies. Everyone knows it” since that’s what he’s devolved into. Anyway then the paper can print that too.
That’s been really the biggest issue with the media, the inability to just call out liars. And not just that, people that have been consistently wrong keep getting invited back to give their opinions.
None of the people that lied about Iraq WMD’s for example should ever been given a platform again, but yet, there they are, pushing for the next conflict. Same with economics, everyone that said Obama was going to do a communism should be shunned forever.
In a world of compulsive liars the occasional truth speaker is
kingthe best presidential candidate.
Lying is as natural for him as pounding cheeseburgers and groping underaged girls so no surprises there.
That’s the free space on the bingo card.
Fucking Daily Beast:
“I think he’s gonna lie.”
This discussion happened on a different post of the same interview but her statement is a lot better than the Daily Beast’s summary… she left wiggle room and laid on the sarcasm instead of making a definitive statement.
Yeah the DB headline is scummy for sure. That editor 1000% did that shit intentionally.
Hot take
Up next: hydrogen and oxygen will both be present at debate. Will they put their differences aside?
But first let’s introduce our moderator, Open Flame.
She had a Trump stand-in for her practice debates. IDK who she got, but unless he was a bellicose asshole it won’t be all that useful.
I’m pretty sure they practiced with a few different stand-ins to really simulate the Donald Trump experience.
One was a baby crying for 2 hours.
Another was a rambling coke head they found wandering in the street.
Another is an old man with dementia.
And another was a 10-year old kid who just goes, “Nu uh you”
Best prep would be to debate an angry toddler arguing why cookies should be allowed before dinner
She should just hold her hand up while he’s speaking and count the lies. Then call them out one at a time.
I should have to be a absolute master to be able to remember all his lies in real time though too so his lies have lies have lies. Shit
I don’t think she has enough fingers unless she is counting in binary, even for two minutes at a time.
She should smuggle a little whiteboard and a dry erase marker onto the stage. And strike a line on the whiteboard each time he lies. If Trump can use a marker during an official presidential event to clumsily (and incompetently) predict where a hurricane will hit, she should be able to use in during a debate.
Sure the board would be full within a few minutes. But at least this way she’d have a better way of showing the volume of lies he spews.
Plus it would drive him fucking insane, which would be hilarious to watch.
That’s why there’s a “no props” rule.
And the no mic rule means she can’t call him on them in real time.
Is there a rule stating she can’t have an earpiece and a team feeding her information though?
Hands are simply not equipped to count that hard.
next she’ll say water is wet, and start that debate all over again.
Harris, that was the easy guess. Good luck, BTW.
That’s about all he does. Only I think he’s not lying, he just has early onset dementia and actually believes some of the nonsense he says.
Oh no he’s a pathological liar. Those grooves are deep. His lies are getting stupider, but he doesn’t believe them any more or less than he ever did.
I actually think he does believe the lies he spouts. For him, reality is whatever he wants it to be in that moment.
Sure for a plastic and essentially meaningless form of “belief”.
If you present him with something he said 20 minutes ago he may not believe it.
He totally knows he’s lying. It’s just justified in his narcissistic mind as what you do to get your way. If he’s dementing, and I think he is, it’s on top of that life-long sense of entitlement to get his way via whatever means necessary.
I think he does some intentional lying, and he says false shit believing that it is true, but most of what he says is bullshit. And I mean bullshit in the sense that he neither knows nor cares whether it’s a true statement, he just knows that it’s helpful to his goals in the moment, therefore he says it. When he talks about over 20M illegal immigrants entering this year, it’s impossible for him to know a number on that since it obviously isn’t tracked, but I’m sure that it doesn’t matter what the actual number is at all. He just pulls out a big number to scare racist people into getting upset enough to come and vote for the guy who says that it needs to stop, which is him. He doesn’t care that it’s not an accurate number, and because he doesn’t know the real number for sure then it’s impossible to prove that he knows that it’s not actually that number and therefore not a certain lie per se. He gets all of the benefit of lying without any of the attached accountability. He bullshits.
How early? He’s been doing this his whole life, including the word salad.
Not the salad dementia part
And the sky is blue.
Also, this just in, water is wet!
We are getting reports that grass is indeed green
Bigly, if true
deleted by creator
Harris says bear is “gonna shit in the woods”
She better give him the “I’M SPEAKING”