death rates from “respiratory infections” skyrocketed in 2020, but death rates for almost every other category also rose “mildly”.
The causes of death that rose:
- cardiovascular
- neuropsychiatric
- unintentional injury
- digestive
- intentional injury
deaths from digestive disease was about 18.75/100k pre-pandemic, and went up to 24/100k in 2021. So digestive deaths increased by about 28% after COVID started hitting.
Also worth mentioning that for every additional person who dies of X, there are dozens, hundreds, thousands of additional people suffering from X
I think it’s worth stressing this. Lots of people have the opinion that “we’re all gonna die some day, it’s better yolo and die quickly than waste away till we’re 90”. But the reality is that you’re more likely to have reduced health and/or disability for decades. Chronic health stuff SUCKS BALLS in ways that healthy people cannot fathom.
There are worse things than death, and dementia is one of them.
yea it’s just people without analog thinking
It takes a lot of “yoloing” to wear down a human body to the point where you die, and before that its years and years of pain and suffering. So that was never a good plan.
Yup, especially bad if you live in a country with not so tight nit family structures and predatory healthcare system