Kind of a rant since I’m trying to get people’s attention here on what’s going on in my country atm. So prepare for a long one lol.

In case you all aren’t informed since I don’t see It’s being talked a lot unfortunately, a front part of a communist era train station that was reconstructed collapsed killing 15 people last November. The ruling neoliberal government (Serbian “Progressive” Party) that had a role in overseeing the project tried to lie and say that It had nothing to do with It even though it did. Making a lot of people angry. Mind you said party I mentioned is basically a slightly more liberal offshoot of the much older far-right ultra nationalist “Serbian Radical Party” that’s been around since the 90s.

This led to a lot of universities and colleges to shut down and are basically now run by self organized students since last December. They basically use large auditorium’s to vote on stuff, old school Soviet style. Though very recently a lot of unions, including workplaces in which some of my family members work, have proclaimed a general strike. And school’s plan to shut down too (originally winter break is supposed to end on January 20th).

Unfortunately a lot of violence is happening. From undercover government goons breaking into people’s home and threatening them to students getting run over by government goons as well and beaten by cops. Before you go “Oh this is a western coop!”, It is not. The students themselves proclaimed to not have an ideology and are not aligned with any political party (for better or worse I know, kinda annoying).

So yeah I hope something like this, that’s about It.

Also I know It’s fedipedia but It kinda explained what’s happening here in short so here.

  • 0__0 [he/him]
    19 hours ago

    Your concern is appreciated, but you must realize Serbia already had a color revolution, in fact the first in the world which could be classified as such. Ever since then, the government supported by the US/EU has not done shit to even improve peoples lives whatsoever, privatizing many industries which is regarded as a universally bad move. This current government is only in place because it is thought that that last government at least had somewhat of a spine and didn’t want to give up Kosovo, whereas this one has given the west everything and more than it wanted. I mean fuck me, we don’t even have 5G because there was an agreement signed that strictly prohibited us from buying the infrastructure from China! Not only that, but these same students and people collectively rose up when the filthy capitalist war criminals in Rio Tinto wanted to mine lithium, all with full fledged support from the US and EU, but particularly the EU because they have a vested interest in being energy independent from China. Also, considering the EU and collective west response to the Georgian color revolution when compared to this, are you really convinced there isn’t a massive difference? Especially given the fact you are probably hearing about this for the first time ever. Could probably write more, but it’s a little late here, but here’s my comment from some time ago