yeah… on the last death panel ep about it they said last year there was around 60+ cases in the US, where 0 or 1 cases is the normal level and that it might already be going human to human but very slowly right now (but media is reporting that it’s not at all), that there’s some unexplained case in San Francisco, and that if it kicks off it will most likely kick off in the US
Michael Osterholm says it possible clouds of dust are getting kicked up that have bird feces in them, and it’s possible it’s spreading that way. I sort of don’t think there’s human transmission yet. Maybe a very low level but from what I’ve seen key mutations generally considered necessary for human transmission haven’t been found in any strains yet (although I did see a journal article today saying they found slight binding to human receptors so…). In any case only 3 cases have been unknown exposure so far.
yeah… on the last death panel ep about it they said last year there was around 60+ cases in the US, where 0 or 1 cases is the normal level and that it might already be going human to human but very slowly right now (but media is reporting that it’s not at all), that there’s some unexplained case in San Francisco, and that if it kicks off it will most likely kick off in the US
Michael Osterholm says it possible clouds of dust are getting kicked up that have bird feces in them, and it’s possible it’s spreading that way. I sort of don’t think there’s human transmission yet. Maybe a very low level but from what I’ve seen key mutations generally considered necessary for human transmission haven’t been found in any strains yet (although I did see a journal article today saying they found slight binding to human receptors so…). In any case only 3 cases have been unknown exposure so far.
oh ok, I’ll listen to that last Osterholm video, forgot that he is still doing updates
They’re good, I need to listen to them more. Especially now.