Limited time offer. I have an upcoming trip and I’m looking for something to watch. Is Star Trek actually good, or only nostalgic? Should I just search for episode 1 and press play, or is there something I need to know first?
Limited time offer. I have an upcoming trip and I’m looking for something to watch. Is Star Trek actually good, or only nostalgic? Should I just search for episode 1 and press play, or is there something I need to know first?
TOS season 1. Unusually for Star Trek, TOS came out swinging but soon lost its steam. Seasons 2 and 3 are pretty forgettable with the exceptions of the few that make fan-favourite lists. Season 1 is generally good and occasionally brilliant. TOS top ten lists are season 1 heavy. Also, skip anything written by Gene Roddenberry himself. Fantastic producer, dreadful writer. He really was Star Trek’s George Lucas in many ways.
And now for TNG…
TNG has two eras. Seasons 1 and 2, and the rest. The former was made up largely of recycled scripts Roddenberry wanted to use in his never-made “Star Trek Phase Two” planned series. There’s a reason that so many season 1 and 2 episodes seem like the away teams are just find-and-replace’d Kirk/Spock/McCoy, because they often were. As a result the characters never really get a chance to be their own characters. He liked to fire, or encourage to quit, those who disagreed with his creative decisions.
Between seasons 2 and 3, Roddenberry’s health was too poor for him to micromanage the writing room with dumb ideas. The writers then unleashed the actually-good scripts they’d been writing and polishing on the side without Roddenberry’s knowledge. It was effectively a brand new series. Writing drastically improved, the actors got to actually emote, the visuals and sets were far more polished, it was a glorious fresh start. It’s funny to go back to watching season 1 or 2 episodes after seeing 3-7, it’s like you’re watching fan films.
Skip episodes not specified, they generally range from bad to worse.
Season 1: Encounter at Farpoint (not great, but it is the pilot episode, so ya gotta get through it), Where No One Has Gone Before, Datalore, Home Soil, Heart of Glory (a genuinely great one), and all the episodes that come after Heart of Glory. They’re usually good and also necessary to understand some characters motivations later.
Season 2: Elementary Dear Data, The Measure Of A Man, The Royale (very dumb but also actually pretty funny), Time Squared, Q Who (do not skip this one, this sets up so much), The Emissary. People say that season 1 was the worst, but they are wrong, season 2 was a trainwreck.
Season 3: Everything. My favourite out of that season of absolute bangers is “The Survivors” which I will not say any more more about, I would never deprive anyone of seeing this for the first time.
Season 4 is on par with 3 in my opinion. The following seasons are what I would call “good to great” and not “great to amazing” like 3 and 4. Still well worth seeing though!
And now for DS9!
Don’t bother until you’ve seen at least up to and including TNG season 4’s first episode. DS9’s pilot doesn’t just spoil the end of TNG season 3, it makes no sense without it. You’ll have no idea what’s happening and why from second 1.
Personally I think DS9 started strong and lost steam gradually. Most of my favourite episodes like “Duet” are early on. I liked the original premise of the Federation lending a hand to an allied world to help them rebuild after a long and brutal occupation by a colonizer. I’m not a fan of a later long-term war arc that changed the tone of the show. And “In The Pale Moonlight” is so fucking overrated.
Let’s talk Voyager, Discovery, Picard, and Strange New Worlds!
Voyager was the best among them. And even then I wouldn’t recommend it unless you’re like stuck at an Antarctic research station and you’re desperate for something to watch that you haven’t seen before and you have unlimited free time. I’d bet that there’s better uses of your time in your current situation though.
Let’s now talk “Star Trek Enterprise”!
Wow, what a missed opportunity this show is. I’d suggest skipping it until/unless you get done with the better shows and want some prequel-type stuff. And even then I’d just skip right to season 4, and don’t watch the finale. There’s genuinely good stuff early on in season 4. And basically nothing that happened prior to season 4 actually matters, there’s a lot of dumb in 1-3.
And now for the modern crown jewel, the glorious rise to the triumphant occasion that is the act 3 in the TNG/DS9/LD arc…
Lower. Fucking. Decks.
You will need to see the entirety of TNG (and at least read a wikipedia entry about the Dominion War from DS9) to really get some of the emotional moments from this masterpiece of a show. 5 seasons, 10 episodes each. 50 episodes is all we got. And every last one is good. The long arc isn’t about some grandiose plan to destroy the galaxy or some bullshit. It’s a deeply personal story about a troubled young officer who’s suffering from war-related PTSD and other personal pressures. She is not coping with it well at all.
But she is a lot of fun to watch as she heals.
Yeah, the first few seasons felt like the writer’s room had a grounded, thoughtful perspective on great-power politics, on colonization and occupation, and on political violence. The documentary that came out a few years ago seemed to suggest a lot of it was on one writer that died partway through the show, but I’m not sure how accurate that is.
Is Strange New Worlds worth watching?
Yes. Strange New Worlds is surprisingly good.
The show is basically this:
I don’t know who the writers actually were, but that’s how it feels watching it. It’s actiony but rarely over the top, it’s light at times, the characters grow on each other, and there are plenty of honest to god star trek plots. It’s not perfect at all and it can annoy but it’s way better than most new star trek. And it’s obviously a prequel, but they handle the prequel aspect really well by basically incorporating it into the plot regarding Captain Pike, as well as having just a few TOS characters. You know the TOS characters are all plot armored, but you still get tension because almost all of their friends and crewmates could die or not die.
They also have a crossover episode with Lower Decks… yes with the animated show… and it’s INSANE
I like SNW, Lower Decks, SNW and Prodigy are the only new series really worth getting into. I actually think Discovery isn’t that bad and it’s miles better than Picard.
They actually built a set and (most of) the characters are compelling. Some episodes are kinda miss, some are really good. Biggest criticism is, it doesn’t really have TNG’s thoughtful hopeful depiction of the future, but the writers seem to think it does just by virtue of being a Star Trek™ show. Still worlds better than STD.
I don’t care for it, but that’s just a personal-taste thing.
⭐ saved for future watching. TOS failed to hold my attention before, so I’ll try your recs
im working thru DS9, and I agree that 1 and 2 are better than 3, 4, and 5, but I’ve really been enjoying season 6 so far.
this is solid recommendation other than if you don’t like the pacing of rick and morty, you’ll find the first few episodes of lower decks completely unwatchable and i only limit myself because that’s all i could stomach.
excellent fuckin comment
I like all seasons of DS9, but this isn’t wrong, at least in the overarching plot. The single episodes were bangers even in the last season. And while season 7 is a bit too science-fantasy at times, I think it sticks the landing significantly more gracefully than Voyager.
It’s sort of melodramatic, but it’s the first time I can think of where the Federation is portrayed as evil liberalism. Until that point Sisko is someone I empathise with. His war crime is the point where The Maquis becomes the closest thing to a moral force (outside of the Bajoran resistance). Critically interpreting the Federation is essential when the series otherwise is known for fully-automated luxury gay space communism.
I do think it’s an important episode. And Garak is so much fun to watch. I just don’t think it deserves the endless praise it gets from so many fans. Personally I think Duet and Progress are the real top-tier DS9 episodes.