tbh if anything cenk used hasan. cenk employed him, that its self is an exploitative relationship and hasan has even spoke in detail about numerous ways his uncle took advantage of their relationship. paid him like dog shit and then stole hasan’s show while hasan was working at tyt and started letting other people do his show, having him even work for free apparently
using relatives like cenk for all of their resources and then treating them like shit before cutting off all contact is in fact praxis
tbh if anything cenk used hasan. cenk employed him, that its self is an exploitative relationship and hasan has even spoke in detail about numerous ways his uncle took advantage of their relationship. paid him like dog shit and then stole hasan’s show while hasan was working at tyt and started letting other people do his show, having him even work for free apparently
(Cenk voice) Of couuuuuuuuurrrrrrseeeeee!