Maxwell Frost is a Florida dem representative.
Civility fetishism is just a fancy mechanism used to push the brutal consequences of empire out of the spotlight. As it was masterfully satirized in Kubrick’s Dr Strangelove “Gentlemen you can’t fight in here! This is the War Room.”
Tone policing, wish people gave as much of a shit about that fallacy as they did about
ad hummus
ad humvee
additional pylons
Adidas puma
ad hominem
add hominems
odd homonym
all homos
apparently the door was locked and there were several armed pigs guarding the inside
apparently the door was locked
Knock, knock.
several armed pigs guarding the inside
I assume every, single DC cop is armed.
What I would have done if I was the dems…
Secretly get some huge number of armed National Guard soldiers (or equivalent) to accompany the pols to the building. Maybe 50? 75? 100?
Bring multiple non-civilians who are also armed (Nat Guards or a cops or whatever) who are locksmiths with tools to remove multiple locks as fast as possible. I have no idea - is there a tool that can remove locks in seconds?
Bring lots of bullhorns.
Give the guards an ultimatum “We are coming in… We will arrest anyone who interferes…” There has to be a fast time limit (30 minutes?) so Trump and his cronies can’t prolong things.
Then have the phalanx of soldiers with their long gun escort the locksmiths up to the door to remove multiple locks.
Open the doors.
Shock and awe, baby.
For the “removing the lock stuff” see Thordros’s comment. I didn’t realize all that might be needed is a key and/or bumping.
is there a tool that can remove locks in seconds?
This is the lock picking lawyer, and today we’re breaking in to the department of education
Today on Sesame Street…
is there a tool that can remove locks in seconds?
Assuming we’re not talking about digital-only locks, they could probably just use a key. A lot of non-critical government buildings are keyed like absolute shit by non-locksmiths, so they’re cross-keyed like crazy, and use a lot of off-the-shelf solutions. I wouldn’t be surprised if you could just bump the shitty locks.
they could probably just use a key
Oops. I forgot the expression “close enough for government work”. I was imaging quickly removing the retire lock with one go. It didn’t even occur to me there could be master keys and bumping (whatever that is). Duh.
Bumping is using a key cut specifically to fit into any keyway of its type, so that you can hit it with a rubber mallet and jiggle the pins enough to open the lock.
It’s one step above “just hit it really hard and see if it opens” in terms of difficulty. Which works on an absolutely absurd number of consumer-grade locks.
Libs learning that “cannot” actually means “people might try to stop you, people who might have loyalties and interests outside of roboticly following written laws” rather than some ontological law of the universe.
Libs love their specialized grammar usage. “Must” is another fave of me. A post of mine from four days ago -
It’s very… Kinda snooty teacher dealing with an unruly classroom. (not that teachers aren’t massively overworked etc etc. Bt that’s the vibe)
Libs learning the law is a social construct is always funny
I’m not looking forward to the night of long burger knives but it’s definitely going to happen.
Trump is carrying out a purge and it’d be funny if dems weren’t so fucking pathetic. He may not have to Long Knives anyone because liberals will do as they’re told, even if they think those orders are illegal and illegitimate.
night of long knives as a farce, trump orders democrats to commit suicide and 47% of them do it
Turns out a few of them already did it last year, nobody noticed and they’ve been rotting in the halls of congress ever since
“He told us to shoot ourselves in the head, but we’re going to #resist by taking cyanide pills! We must not let Trump win!”
He may not have to do it, but the GOP thinks the Dems are commies, so he will
Night of long skewers or something idk thats all I got
God damn it you made me think up the night of long ties and now I hate you.
More like hung guys lmao gotem
People can read all the books and watch all the shows and still not get it.
“Here, then. Power resides where men believe it resides. No more and no less.” “So power is a mummer’s trick?” “A shadow on the wall,” Varys murmured, “yet shadows can kill. And ofttimes a very small man can cast a very large shadow.”
It seems to me that many liberals might never be able to accept that The West Wing view of the world is nonsense. They seem to be unable to accept that power is the only thing that matters in the US right now. And Trump is power. Criminal law does not apply to him. Trump can just ignore the law and keep breaking it. Legal rulings move so very slowly. Plus it hardly matters if Trump wins or loses. If he wins - he keeps going. If he loses - he will appeal and keep going. If he loses the appeal - he’ll ask the supreme court to review the ruling.
And If the GOP justices have the audacity to rule against him - I think he’ll keep going and tell them to fuck themselves. At least that will be funny. Chief Justice Roberts (or another GOP justice turd) will write an angry op-ed about it in the Wall Street Journal. And Trump will say something like “Chief Justice Roberts is a bad judge. Maybe I remove him.” And a reporter will say he can’t just ‘remove’ Roberts. Trump will get testy and say 'Yes I can. Official act. Justice Roberts bye-bye. Could be permanent." And Roberts won’t complain anymore because he understands full well that Trump threatened to execute him.
I know this is said to Tyrion, but is Varys stealth talking about Lilfinger?