Also nice Ancient Aliens reference
I’m continuing The New Colossus and Super Spesh is a stock kooky alien conspiracy theorist character straight out of a Roland Emmerich movie. I’m not sure if this character archetype really fits the 40s/60s either- it feels out of place. His likeability wasn’t helped by the conversation where BJ told his pregnant partner that he was dying being comedically cut short by Spesh getting out of a bathroom after taking an extended shit
That was basically a MCU comedy beat
In my previous post about TNC after playing the first level I said I thought the tone was more campy than in TNO and that’s definitely been true so far. I just finished the New Mexico level where you get to walk around an American town as a Nazi parade is going on, and while in TNO the stark horror of a permanent Nazi occupation of Europe was treated mostly seriously, the vibe of the New Mexico segment feels closer to Fallout with Nazis. I’m not saying TNO didn’t have goofy gags and light-hearted moments in it too- it absolutely did. (Also, Wolfenstein has Nazi moon bases, man-eating robot dogs and laser guns, it’s not fucking Schindler’s List) I just think that the comedy was more subtle in the first game and I’m a bit salty because I really liked the Half-Life 2 vibes TNO gave me
Still a good game though
I liked the alien tech angle though. Especially since magic and curses already exist in the Wolfenstein universe. Left behind alien tech, crashed UFOs is not very far off.