I’ve tried watching videos about it, but they are not analysing the reasons. Instead it’s just whining about the symptoms and hypocrisy of rich CEOs firing employees then buying a yacht. We all know it’s terrible, but my question is “why”. “herp derp, capitalism” and “omg, it’s the fucking CEOs” doesn’t explain anything.

  • EndRedStateSubsidies
    5 days ago

    This isn’t a problem unique to gaming, but most issues will unfortunately ultimately reduce to her derp capitalism.

    Gachas get kids hooked on gambling for profit

    Battle passes are fomo to maximize retention and attention for profit.

    Ai to cut labor… For profit.

    Recycling content on yearly release. Profit.

    The central issue you’re looking for is “fiduciary duty to shareholders” wherein publicly traded companies have a legal obligation to act in the best interest of “shareholders”.

    The issue there is 80% of those companies are owned by the banks that own the Fed that are ultimately owned by Black Rock. 1000000173

    Even if “you” (average Joe) paid for stock, you don’t actually own it unless it’s directly registered in your name which broker held street name shares are not.

    Every cut corner on a product or wage labor benefit withheld is shuttled to the rich that already own everything.