For this Saturday Anime Night, first up is Journey to the West, AKA Saiyuki, AKA Journey to the West (1960), the fourth anime feature film ever. The badass monkey Sun Wukong joins a human prince and some other animals on a quest to India. Wacky antics ensue. Oddly enough, the Ox King in this movie was the main inspiration for Bowser in Super Mario Bros. Pretty good reviews for this, so let’s check it out. It shares a director (Taiji Yabushita) with Tale of the White Serpent (1958) and Magic Boy (1959), which we previously saw. After that is Lu Over the Wall (2017), a musical about a boy who meets a mermaid, from renowned auteur Masaaki Yuasa. Everyone liked Night Is Short Walk on Girl (2017) and Inu-Oh (2021), so this seems like a safe bet.

We’ll start at 9PM EST on Hextube, right here:

Be there, comrades!

Letterboxd: links:

CWs for Journey to the West:

  • Cartoon violence.
  • Deaths of animals.
  • Stabbing.
  • Head trauma.
  • Blood.

CWs for Lu Over the Wall:

  • Animal abuse.
  • Dead animal.
  • Carnism.
  • Child abandonment.
  • Stalking.
  • Child abuse.
  • Someone is physically restrained.
  • Someone struggles to breathe.
  • Someone is burned alive.
  • Body horror.
  • Kidnapping.
  • Death of parent.
  • Natural bodies of water.
  • Blood.

Links to movies: