In about 5 minutes I get a complaint her storage is full.
I have unspeakable amounts of pictures of my cats saved. No, I will not delete the ones that are nearly identical.
How much storage are we speaking?
9 drives
In terabytes?
Nah, megabytes
Nothing? She already has access to it all anyway…
This is the way, don’t hide shit, be open. If you feel the need to hide stuff from your gf/bf get out of the relationship. Them having full access is a trust thing and shows you’re mature enough for a serious relationship imo.
100% my girl doesn’t want to know and I don’t want the headache if she did. It’s okay to have privacy in a relationship
I’d start by wondering how in the hell I got a girlfriend, then my wife would do the same.
My girlfriend would break up with me as she finds out that I’m married. Doesn’t matter; imaginary score is still score.
Technically, your wife is still your girlfriend. You two never broke up before getting married.
Dunno, but I have a girlfriend now.
Congrats, bro.
Thanks, bro! But she has all my files now.
All your file are belong to us!
Aka you don’t have any files
And no girlfriend because she left after getting my files.
It’ll take her so long to scroll through all the movies and TV episodes that she’ll never get far enough down the file tree to find the niche porn.
How niche are we talking
NOT illegal, and not crazy shocking weird. But niche enough that when I find content I like, I do try to download it because finding it again on the typical streaming sources can sometimes be a crapshoot.
What if she uses a file search?
She’d have to know what to search for first
14,561 results returned
Nobody names their niche porn folder “niche porn”.
My current partner usually complains that my porn is not hentai or not weird enough for their taste. 🙈 I suppose they’d stop at the movies out of boredom.
She would be disappointed in how untidy my files are.
"Why is the final version of this project called “test1_b_new_reworked_draft_2_prefinal_dif_font_b_temp_FINAL.png”?
She would then forgive me because her filing is worse than mine.
Use git.
I’m begging you.
For image files? I know you can save image files and git but I just don’t know what it does with them.
Don’t use git for images (or most other binary data)
It’s still way better than _final_fixed(2) version control.
What do you propose to use as a version control for images?Idk, but not anything that uses delta compression like git does.
Game developers use Perforce and Plastic scm which is (supposedly) optimized for images and other binary assets. I’ve never used them, but I’m sure a less-overkill and open source alternative exists somewhere.
That’s the thing, everything that I could find is a huge project made for storing huge projects, costs a lot of money and requires effort to install and even use. Yeah, naked git basically stores new version of an image for every commit, but nothing beats the fact that you need like two commands to use it and it just works, and storage is very cheap this days. And if you add LFS, it even does some kind of storage compression.
It just keeps a copy.
There is always git LFS
Git is version control
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I’d imagine you’d be hard pressed to find a non-programmer who knows what that is.
I’m not a programmer and I agree. Only after getting into 3d art I started hearing about it and I don’t think I’ve ever used it, let alone understand it, it’s the sort of thing the technical artists know about. Nobody ever suggested me to use it for my images or 3d models.
As a visual artist I can confirm the “image_final_final2_b_final” trope is as real as it gets
Nobody ever suggested me to use it for my images or 3d models.
*nobody until now
Use git
Git is used in other contexts besides programming
Not in many. And usually it happens whenever a programmer does non-programming stuff.
Much less even knows how or why to use it lol
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Found the Flash developer.
If I had a girlfriend, then several gigabytes of my files would be largely useless
Ha, look at this loser, only has “several gigabytes” of ‘Linux ISOs’
I’d then be asking myself when and why I got a girlfriend.
No how?
Probably not, I learned early on the “how” depends on the person. So asking how one gets into a relationship is like asking how one wins at cards. The cards decide. Your chances also severely change based on the environment you’re in.
Today so she can break your heart, obviously
That moment when I’m gay and didn’t even know it.
Apparently, OP is the only one who’s got something to hide from his girlfriend.
I don’t have one
Checkmate (or stalemate or checkmate against myself, not sure)
That explains the question in the OP ;)
Trust is the basis of any relationship. No trust, no relationship. At least not for long.
If she’s my girlfriend, she’s not going to judge, and instead lend me some of her clothes, help me with makeup, and discover that she’s not 100% straight after all
Not sure how the girlfriend world react. But my wife would be pissed that I now have one.
I was going to say “she finds out I’m married with three kids”.
My wife gets mad that I have a girlfriend.
I become very confused at finding out that I have a girlfriend.
My wife is my ex-girlfriend, but we’re still dating. She gets mildly amused when I point this out, but she might just be humoring me.
My files are already unencrypted and she has the password to my pc. We’re both adults so she obviously knows that I watch porn so they wouldn’t surprise her. Everything else is just boring stuff.
Who saves porn?
Listen… it’s for… archival and digital preservation purposes.
and we all have a white whale out there we wished we saved but can’t remember what it was called and can’t find it again, wishing we had saved it
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People with internet that frequently drops would be one guess of mine
And even then, videos are constantly added and removed from the Internet. The offline spankbank is eternal.
well sometimes the network connection goes down
Datahoarders like me
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I see we have a gigachad here
Well I’m a datahoarding pirate so lots of movies, shows, games, porn, hacking tools, bot creation tools, firmwares, family pics, movie/show posters, ISOs, etc. Nothing to hide really. Might question my complete siterip of cum4k, tiny4k, and anal4k maybe.
Seriously asking: How does one get a complete siterip of a site that publishes new content all the time?
I regularly check the sites about 1 time a month. I also have a little bot the looks for WRB (scene ripper) releases as he is the one that rips those sites. I don’t technically need to check the site but I just like to make sure 100% it’s fully up to date. The tiny4k site is half me and the rest scene since there was a way to web-dl the videos for about a week before they fixed it.
I then post monthly packs on kleverig (usenet) to help the guys that don’t want to do it themselves.
Probably its just a snapshot at some point, with maybe downloading new stuff when its published. At least thisbis how i’d do it.